copy cat

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author's note: all i have to say is sorry todoroki stans, but i love fuck-y!roki stories... please leave comments and reactions i love to discuss! 


ever since katsuki promptly left that little nerd at the gates of UA he's felt that he was being watched. that little freak was always duplicating things katsuki did. fuck, he's been doing this since they were fucking kids. all the way down to his fucking skills out on the training terrains. since when the fuck did that nerd start to do jumps like that? whatever. they were just imitations of his perfected moves anyways. that's all that shitty quirkless(?) freak was and that's what he'd always be. he wouldn't let him get in the way of his goals of becoming the top rated pro hero.

it was easy to ignore him. if he just kept his eyes on the prize, everything was fine. until, katsuki caught the eye of a certain half 'n half's attention. it was nice. out on the training field, they would go head to head, going until they were physically stopped by sensei aizawa's own quirk. although, everything outside of the training field was surprisingly calm. other than the sex he supposed. they had a lot of sex. a lot of sex. it didn't really hurt as much as it would before, but sometimes it was a little uncomfortable. that's okay though. shouto was a surprising 'cuddle after sex' kinda guy, but katsuki reveled in the close contact. it was nice.

whatever they were had been going on for three months. katsuki didn't wanna rush anything. he liked whatever the fuck they had going on. though once again he realized, on a simple day in class, he wasn't meant to have nice things. no, he couldn't ever have a single thing to himself.

he overheard from some of deku's shitty friends that he liked him. of course he did. katsuki liked him first though, so he had nothing to worry about. not like he was fucking worrying anyways. nothing had really changed between him and shouto, other than the increase in sex. everything was fine.


everything wasn't fine. actually, katsuki was about three seconds away from blasting everyone in his fucking homeroom. they were dating now. they were fucking dating now.

izuku's a mess of stutters as he makes the confession to his group of friends. katsuki saw the look of pure adoration in izuku's eyes. the same ones he gave his dad. was this what heartbreak felt like? being ran over by a train over and over again with each glance over at the new couple. everything had just been fine. katsuki thought they had something special. stupid. a scowl formed on katsuki's facial features he knew it, but he couldn't bring himself to care. he wouldn't let himself be bested by that shitty waste of space ever again.


this was confusing. shouto said that they needed to talk. he didn't know why he agreed. he didn't know why he didn't slam the door right in that shitty half 'n half's face and yet— he didn't. he let him into his dorm room, he let him take his clothes off, and yeah he let shouto fuck him after that. he probably shouldn't have done that. he couldn't bring himself to care. maybe that shitty waste of space would realize how it felt to have something stolen from him. the single thought made a small smirk etch onto his features.


"why are you with that green haired shit anyways—"

"i told you not to call him that."

"you still didn't answer my question."

"you really wanna do this right now?"

he gave a non-committal response. probably not. shouto's monotone doubled with his bluntness plus his own easiness to be angered wasn't the best for the situation. however, no matter how much he tried to ignore whatever the fuck was happening in his mind, the question still persisted.

"he's just easier."

"what does that even mean."

"it means that i need both for different things."

he shouldn't have asked. he really shouldn't have fucking asked.

"what do you need him for." he hated how he sounded. pitiful.

"he's better for a public image." he shrugged as if it was the most simple explanation he could have given. "my dad told me to go with him."

he ignored the feelings of whatever it was brewing in the pit of his stomach.

katsuki didn't say anything after that.

and if katsuki visited broke into a training center far away from the dorm house in the wee hours of the night to get out his frustrations that was his own business. if he went on for hours until his body was screaming at him to stop that was his business. if he only stopped training because sensei aizawa forcibly made him with his stupid quirk that was his business. and if sensei realized that even through all the huffing and ungodly amount of sweating he was doing that his eyes seemed to be incredibly too red for it to be normal, he didn't say anything.

even in the comforts of his own bedroom, he still felt as if he was suffocating. whatever. even if he was number two, he wasn't on the sidelines. it's different this time. shouto's running back to him, not the other way around. even though shouto more or less acted like katsuki didn't exist outside of the four walls they had snuck into unless they were one on one training, this was different. that shitty little deku hadn't bested him this time. he didn't. stupid piece of shit. a tiny scoff forced its way out of his throat, his eyelids becoming heavier by the second.

he can comfort himself in a lie. it's not like he's new to the concept

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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