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"Soooo, you're going to shoot all the lycan?" I shot up in bed in shock. The damned doll named Angie stood near my head as it tilted its head slightly toward me. I breathed in heavily as the shock of my life swarmed through my body. After a moment, I slowly nodded. "You don't talk much do you?" My hand rubbed the sleep away from my eyes as I stared at the clock I brought. I grabbed it off the nightstand for a better look. It was still dark outside for goodness sake.

"It's four in the morning," I groaned as I stared back at the doll. "You mean to tell me you don't sleep?"

"I already slept, and Georgia isn't awake yet for me to play with."

"Well go wake her up."

"But you're the one I have questions for!" She gently plopped down on the pillow as I leaned against the headboard. "Come oooon! Tell me and I'll leave you alone!" My eyes glared down at the doll that sat next to me. For a long moment, I contemplated renting a woodchipper before I realized that it was not worth the trouble. An axe would have worked just as fine. However, the warning from Jordan rung clear in my head. Don't mess with the dolls.

"Alright," I sighed. "Have at it. Angie, right?" She nodded. "What do you want to know Angie?"

"Why did Mother Miranda hire you?"

"Friend of a friend told her about me before he died."

"Are you going to get rid of all of the lycan?"

"I have six months to do it, so hopefully."

"Do you have any cool powers like Donna?" I shook my head. "Can I come with you to hunt the lycan?" I shook my head. "Why not?"

"I was told that you are not allowed to get in harms way. That includes lycan hunting. Besides, don't you have stuff to keep you preoccupied here?" She shook her head. "What do you mean no?"

"Donna doesn't have any playmates right now, so we don't have anything to do." Something deep down did not want to know.


"Yeah! They are people that Mother Miranda sends to Donna to play executioner with. She's quite good at it! And she uses our cadou in order to turn them into living doll playmates for me! That way we are never lonely." I should not have asked. My eyes squeezed shut at the thought of a person being recreated into a doll. I took in a deep breath as I nodded and opened my eyes.

"Sounds about right for everything else I have witnessed so far." I pushed some disheveled dark hair from my face as I get up.

"Where are you going?"

"I might as well get an early start on my job. It is why I'm here after all."

"Can I come?"

"I told you no already." I walked around in boxer shorts and a sports bra as I searched for my all-black attire. I pulled on my long, skin tight clothes and pulled out the sniper and handgun. The dagger slid into the holder on my left while the handgun went to my right. The sniper slid onto my back. Ammo went into an ammo belt that wrapped around my hips.

"Whoa, that's so cool!"

"What is?"

"You have so many weapons!" I nodded.

"Part of the job," I murmured. "Anyways, I'm going out. You just...do whatever it is you do." Angie did not say anything but nodded in agreement. Her and I walked out of my room, and I shut the door. We parted ways when I walked out of the manor. Angie went further into the manor. The fresh, early morning air clung to my skin as I walked out. There was an immediate shift in the woods that sounded like an animal. I shook my head softly as I trailed along the dirt trail that led away from this manor. The shifts came closer and closer the longer I walked down the path, but nothing attacked.

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