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"Grab a water honey" My mom says from the kitchen. I run into the bathroom and take some makeup and blend it in on my arms. " I'm fine mom, thanks" I said while walking out of my house, going to school.

It was March and school was almost over, finally.

"Have a good day, Sky"

My mom shouted for the whole neighborhood to hear.

I was just ready to get this school year over with already.

I was 18 about to turn 19 and it was my last year, so I had something to actually look forward to I guess.

I hop into my best friend since 5th grades car. "Hi Jalen". Jalen was a really good guy I've know since I was like 10.

Everyone always thought we had something going on but It wasn't like that at all, we were just very close and talked to each other about almost everything.

Don't get me wrong, he's a very good looking guy, but he was a bit of a player.

And I really didn't have time for that. "My lady" he said back with a soft smile on his face. "I still can't believe we only have one class together" he said again, his smile leaving his face.

Usually every year Jalen and I would have some classes together, but this year we only have one which was a huge change for the both of us.

"You're still on that Jalen? Its been months. Were in March now. Schools almost over anyways" The door of his car opens and closes.

"HEYYY Jalen how's it going?" Jason said. Jason was my little brother, Even though he was my little brother he was far from little. See Jason was about 6 feet tall, him and Jalen were the same height and they were very close. Jason was in the 10th grade this year and was only 16.

But, just because we were two years apart didn't mean we weren't close. Jason and I have always been close since our dad passed on last year.

It was the first time I ever saw him cry. "Heyy Jason" Jalen yelled.

These boys were super close to each other and I loved that don't get me wrong. But when they were together they were always loud and crazy.

"Are you guys forgetting that it's literally 6 in the morning and you guys are yelling" I said with a annoyed look on my face.

"Yea yea just drive" Jason said and Jalen put his seatbelt on and did exactly that.


"And that's it for the first day class I'll see you guys tomorrow, have a good day".

Finally. I thought to myself, School was almost over.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the class room I saw Jalen walking up to me.

"Ready for lunch?" he said while yawning. "Looks like you could use a nap" I said while giggling softly.

"Well yea, we've been here since 6 and we still have a class left. I just want to go home" Jalen wasn't much of a school person. Usually last year he'd skip school all the time, but he was my best friend and I didn't want him to not graduate.

So I forced him to try his best and come this year, for me. "Well hey think of it like this, we only have lunch and English next. And lunch will be quick and you get to see me in English. So be happy" I said while we both walk into the lunch room.

We grabbed our plates of food and sat at our normal seat that we sat in since we've been in high school.

"At least we'll have something to look forward to" He said while wiggling his eyebrows, which usually meant something good was going on. "What?" I said while taking a bite of the nasty school pizza.

"You haven't heard, We have a new English teacher, A lot of girls are talking about him saying he's cute and stuff" He said.

"WHAT? Mr.Mark got fired?"

I said confused because he was literally just here the other day.

"Yup.. smoking weed in the school, lets  see how long this one'll last."  Jalen says rolling his eyes

See, In this school a lot of teachers have got fired for many many reasons: smoking  weed on school property, buying weed from students, looking up inappropriate things in class. You name it

So getting a new teacher to the school was pretty normal for us.

I just wasn't expecting this teacher to get fired because he was really chill. but whatever.

Me and Jalen get up to put our plates away and the bell rings.

I knew that the next class would be a bit weird for me because every time there was a new "cute" teacher in this school all of the girls would go crazy and try to get at them. It was a bit weird that they were always trying to get at the teachers but it's just what they did.

Honestly, I could never see myself throwing myself at any man. Let alone a teacher.

The teachers here are weird and creepy anyways. They were also old.

About 65 or something.

"Ready to see your new crush?" Jalen said as he bumped my shoulder

"As if" I said as we walked into the class

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