The First act: Insanity

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pic of Connor to the side --->


The next day after the whole starbucks thing Amy had officaly gone insane. She started yelling at anybody who passed and punching some of them. "Amy are you ok?" people asked. Eventually she had enough of it and stormed out of the building mumbling to herself that she was going to kill every person who asked.

"Dude is amy ok?" I asked Lex.

"I don't she wont talk to any one."

"Do you think shes mad about the whole deal with hot topic becoming starbucks?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"probably. I haven't seen her this mad ever. Zoe cant even begin to understand the amount of danger she just put herself in."

"I think she can i mean have you seen her locker?"

"No what did Amy do now?"

"Well lets see she painted in red paint 'die bitch die' and 'the war has begun' and she hid a bunch of nasty, smelly dead fish in there as well," I answered.

"Wow thats a little much even for Amy don't you think."

"I mean i think she honestly had it coming."

"true," She said as we reached our one and only class together. As we entered the room every head turned to look our way. Amanda, another friend, came running to us draging us out of the class before either of us had time to fully comprehened what was happening.

"why did everybody stare at us Manda" I asked a little more angry than confused.

"Why do you think dummy they know about what Amy did and they all are supporting Zoe and Kylie."

"Of course they are. Well wether or not they like it thats my favorite class and I'm not letting them take that away from me. lets go." I said as I pulled both Lex and Manda behind me.

"Connor wait you dont know what they're going to do," Manda said frantically trying to escape my death grip.

"I could care less about what they are going to do I'm going to my class." As we walked back into the room I couldn't help but notice that everybody who was in there were suddenly gone. "See nothing to be worried about," I said to Manda, "It looks as if we scared them all off."

"Yeah I don't think that was it," She said pointing her finger at a flyer I hadn't noticed before. I went catiously over to it scanning my surrondings to make sure nobody was going to pop out of no where.

"It says that we have two days to prepare," I said while contiualy looking the paper up and down.

"Prepare for what," Lex asked catiously.

"They're calling it 'The Real War."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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