Expect the unexpected

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A/n~Hey y'all sorry for the delay , I had connection issues for like the longest time.

All fixed now though.

Still trying to post Saturdays.

~Gideon pov~

Once out of Y/n's mindscape I knew exactly what I needed to do.

Y/n remained on the floor...eyes closed...she looks so peaceful..almost like she's sleeping ...however, it's actually a state of limbo you see ,I trapped Bill in her mind but teleported her away from her mindscape so she's kind of consciously away from Bill...but still not totally conscious.

Aaah sorcery...a complicated and darkly beautiful magic.

" dnim ruoy fo tuo nomed siht tsac I " I casted,my pendant glowing,the familiar flames surrounding me once again.

I watched as the non-harmful blue flames traced a circle around her body...and then died out?

"Wait...what?" I said confused.
" dnim ruoy fo tuo nomed siht tsac I " I repeated.

Same result...nothing.

" DNIM RUOY FO TUO NOMED SIHT TSAC I !!!" I screamed ,panicking now but to no avail.

Oh no she isn't waking up.


Oh no...oh no..oh no...

what have I done?

Why isn't this working?

Did I cast the spell wrong?

No...I've been casting spells practically my whole life.

I'm no novice.

Then WHY isn't this STUPID incantation working?

I sighed ,bringing my fingers up to pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration.

Then a realisation dawned on me...I might need some help.

I tried casting the spell a couple more times just to be sure...but to avail.

I looked at Y/n sleeping peacefully,blissfully unaware of my dilemma.

I picked her up bridal-style and said "You know...I'm only doing this for you."

Not that she could hear me anyways.

For the first time in my life, I'm going to have to put my humility and pride aside...and ask an enemy for help.

Might as well be going to a pack of wolves and asking them not to kill me.

Yep...time to go and pay the Pine's family a visit.

A/n~ Comment if you read the spell backwards.

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