Phase 1.

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In the late summer August, on a bright and sunny day around 7:00 pm two young girls were watching a horror movie in the basement of Lola's house. The girls frequently had sleepovers at Lola'a house, it was basically a weekly thing. Lola's family was quiet new to the area, no more then a year of being there. The neighbourhood wasn't the best of the bunch but it did the job for the family of the Wheatstones. Heather came over every weekend to spend some time with Lola, however this time was very different. During the middle of the horror film Heather looks to Lola and says "did you hear that.. or was it just me?".
Lola in disbelief thought the tip tapping noise on the window was from the movie or inside of her head. Her jaw dropped with fear, Lola replied back, "I thought it was just the movie". Her voice quivered in fear, Heather leaped from her seat and landed right beside Lola. Lola's mother came rushing down the stairs to see what all the screaming was about, the girls filled in Lola's parents for the sudden outburst of yelling. Mrs. Wheatstone then mentioned that she heard the tapping aswell and thought it was the two girls in the basement tapping the windows. Lola's mother sends out Mr.Wheatstone to look around the house to see if there was any footprints in the yard that looked fresh. Mr.Wheatstones searches turned up empty handed and that was the end of it for the night.

Heather began going over to Lola's house way more frequently once Mrs.Wheatstone started her new over night job at a nursing home. Lola's dad was always on work trips because he worked in the military. There became a lot of nights where the parents were no where to be seen at the house, so of course Lola always invited over Heather. These two girls would stay up all hours of the night playing all sorts of games, pranks, watching movies, etc. One night during an oddly quiet night for Lola's neighbourhood, Lola went and looked upstairs for some snacks when she noticed something very odd. Two cats sitting in the road staring at each other, one at the beginning of the road and one at the end of the road.
After seeing these two cats ,Lola calls for Heather to come check this out. Heather runs up the stairs and saw the two cats. The two start questioning why the cats are there but nothing crosses their mind. The girls go back down stairs to hear that above there heads on the window someone was tapping, again. So Lola runs up stairs to lock all the doors and shut all blinds incase the person who was knocking wanted to come in. They also grab in the process the house phone, the fly swatter and a cake knife. Lola wakes up her younger sister and moves all animals into her room. Three young girls all barricaded in a room at 2 am with no parents around, it started helping the girls forget about the knocking. but not before the man comes and knocks again. Heather and Donna walk up stairs to grab a drink, once they reach the top of the stairs Heather stops dead in her tracks and screams. Donna runs down the stairs with Heather following right behind. Lola asked what happened. All Heather could sputter out was that the man that we saw cross by the window early, was sitting right by the back door. Lola tried to get ahold of her mother but then she stopped and thought to herself, who is going to believe that there is a creepy old man on our deck all the times she isn't there. So Lola hung up the phone and instead the girls decided that it was best that they just kept track of all the encounters they have had and everything that happens.
The next time the man visited he made himself very known by sitting up on the snow hill directly after the knocking spree. He came by in probably mid October, that year it had snowed quite early. He came and knocked all around the house on every window that could be reached, we three girls all decided the best place to stay would be in Lola's room, as it's in the basement and only had one window. After awhile the girls were started to get annoyed it wasn't a creepy problem anymore it was becoming a pervert problem. The girls started making notes to hang on the windows and making plans of how to catch the suspect and hopefully get our parents to believe us. Eventually the girls started sleeping through the night until the man started banging on the deck and making sure we knew he was known.
A few months go by and Lola had heard this knocking noise almost every weekend weather Heather was there or not. Until one day they just stopped. Lola had found out previously that she was moving during the summer time to a different town because of her dads job. While cleaning the house and yard for the move Lola's parents call her outside to see what they had found. The WheatStones had just found a pair of golden, thin and dusty old man glasses. Lola's body became splattered with ghost bumps from the sheer amount of fear that flew through her body. Lola mutters, "those are his glasses, ....The Knocking Mans"

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