The Relief

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Akaashi heard the chirps of birds and the sun shineing into the bedroom, Yawning, the ravenette stretched and sleepily woke up, with his glasses on his face and looking at the large MSBY jersey on his body, Akaashi could hear the little giggles in the kitchen,

Bokuto Kōtarō grinned as he made breakfast for his family, his big gold eyes looked down at the small 3 year old toddlers at his feet; Seikai and Hoshi "Papa, more for Mama." Seikai babbled grinning as Bokuto made more pancakes while Hoshi was reaching for another Onigiri,

Akaashi leant against the doorway to the kitchen/dining room, gunmetal eyes looked at the scene before him; Bokuto's sweatpants clad bare back made pancakes and fruit salads, Akaashi internally drooled at the sight of Bokuto's big musels

Seikai was in his baby blue onesie with white world designs, his little white hair and big gunmetal blue eyes were wide as Bokuto flipped a pancake

Hoshi was in a yellow oneside with white star designs, his black hair and big gold eyes were busy trying to eat the plate of Onigiri that was out of his reach,

Hoshi was the first to see Akaashi and the smaller ravenette squealed "Mama Mama." Hoshi whined wanting to be picked up "Hello my little Onigiri." Akaashi cooed kissing the cheek of the small ravenette "Morning Keiji Bokuto." Bokuto purred noseing at Akaashi's neck "Morning Kōtarō Bokuto." Akaashi said turning off the hob as Bokuto pulled his husband in for a heated kiss "Not infront of the kids." Akaashi tried to say but Bokuto grinned against the kiss before greeting Seikai who toothily grinned,

Akaashi grinned watching Bokuto scoff down his food while their twins ate like a mixture of both, sometimes they'd be clean eating like Akaashi and other times it was like Bokuto's eating "Are you excitid to see Sugawara-Senpai and Hinata-San?" Akaashi asked makeing the twins grin and nod their heads at the taught of seeing their friends.

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