Beginning - The Golden Gem

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There was once a tale of a golden gem, it was shaped like a sphere and was said to be blessed with the gift of magic. If one held this said gem in their hands, they could wish for anything they desired. Money. Fame. Death. Whatever it may be, it was granted. Though they could only be granted, one wish.  

Though this gem for hundreds of years went untouched by anyone or anything. It is told in the story, that a pirate captain by the name of, Captain Jones, was the one who first discovered the stone on his way home to his village. His crew were all greedy and yearned to try to wish for something, but Captain Jones did not want to mess with the said magic object. The crew had only even learned about the abilities, after One of them had leaned against it and wished for pile of gold, in which he got.

"Captain, you really should take this and wish with it. Maybe it could give you something that you really want." Jones scoffed at his crew mate "I don't trust that anything that stupid rock has to offer me, comes for free." It was said after that, the ship's crew had given up trying to get their captain to agree to use the gem.

When the ship had pulled up to the docks in their village, Captain Jones left his ship first. Going home to his wife, Clara, and his Newborn daughter, who had not been named yet. "Hello, Love. How is the Pirate Queen?" He asked her as he hugged her tightly. She chuckled before replying. "Im fine, so is she." Jones took off his hat and smiled at his young daughter. His daughter looked at him and giggled, reaching her small arms out to him. As he took her in his arm he chuckled. "She's going to be a great Pirate princess.." Then one of his crew members came to the door, asking him to go to the bar with them, as a last time thing before the captain retired. The captain looked to his wife who took their daughter from his arms and nodded for him to go. Before he left he gave his wife a kiss. "I love you, My queen." She smiled and replied. "And I love you, Captain Jones."  He then said good bye to his daughter and left.

The night was filled with drinks, laughter, and story telling. The gem was given to Jones's first mate as a gift. Him and his first mate were close before they were pirates, so he decided it was best he held onto it.  "It's going to be weird not seeing you on the ship, Jones.." Jones sighed and shook his head. "It'll be weird being off the ship, but it's what's best for my wife, and my daughter." Jones said to his Crew.

Suddenly there was a girl that ran inside the bar, she looked no older than 10, she was with a younger boy who looked maybe 6 at the oldest.

The bar went silent as the thick, wooden door slammed shut.

Jones went up to them and pulled them aside. "Kids. What you you doing in this type of place?.." The little boy avoided looking at Jones and held onto his sister tightly. "Sir. Please help there was gun fire in a house down the road from us..I heard a woman scream and she..She was bleeding. I didn't know where else to go since this is the closest pub." John, his first mate, and Jones go look for this woman, with the help of the kids to show them where. Captain Jones froze when the girl pointed to his home. Jones told John to watch the kids and he entered his home.

The lights were all out, there was shattered glass and gun powder all over the floor. Then in the middle of the living room, laid his wife, her body was cold, her face cut, and arms bruised. He cried out in agony. He felt anger rise in him, when suddenly he remembered, his daughter.
He frantically looked for his daughter, only to find her in her crib. The baby was becoming cold and pale. He rushed outside, holding his daughter tightly in his arms. "John! John!" John turned his head, seeing Jones. His eyes were red, puffy, and in his arms he held his child, who looked cold and dead. "Please! Give me the gem! I need to make a wish! Please John!" John hesitated before giving the gem to captain Jones. Captain Jones looked at his daughter and then at the stone before making his wish "I wish for my daughter to live a long life! Please!" He cried. After a moment the gem's glow grew brighter, then it returned to normally and the baby began crying.  Jones hugged his daughter tightly. John looked at the child, amazed. Then suddenly Jones began coughing, he looked to be struggling to breathe. John went and grabbed the baby from him before trying to help his captain stand. Jones was seeing his life flash before his eyes. His wife, his daughter..who hadn't even been given a proper name.."R-Rosabelle.." Jones struggled, but managed to say. John looked at his captain and then at the baby girl. Jones kissed his daughters head. before falling to the ground, cold and breathless..

The legend of the Golden Gem is known, but in many different ways, but one thing that had aways happened at the end was that the person who made a wish,

Always paid the price.

~Author's Note~

I hope that you guys enjoyed the chapter!! Thank you for reading. Also please comment a name. Maybe I could use it for some characters! Bye guys!!

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