56- Sweet Home

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4 years later

Y/N open the door of the house after she left it about 4 years.  Home sweet home!  Finally she safely arrived at her own house in Daejeon, South Korea.  The house is still the same and thanks to all her workers for taking care of it during her family at Canada.  I missed this house!  Y/N walk in to the house with her big luggage and put it at the living room.

A little boy run towards Y/N as he is so excited to be here.  This is his first time, so Y/N understand it if his behavior is kinda weird right now.

"Mommy is this our house?"

"Yes dear, do you like it?"

"Like it! Like it!"

"Come.. mommy show you your own room."


They climbing stairs together while holding each other hands.  His room is at the third floor of this house.  When they open the door of his room, that little boy run in to his new room excitedly.


"You like it darling?"

"Like it! Like it!"

Y/N chuckles. Y/N accompany her son in that room about 5 minutes before Mr. Jung suddenly appeared at the front door of her son's new room.


"You are here my little puppy?"

"I'm not a puppy, I'm Jin Woo."

Mr. Jung laugh out loud.  Since his grandson were born in this world, he feels like.. his world became more beautiful and meaningful to him.  He loves Jin Woo so much!  Y/N just look at her dad and her son from the bed, she then smiled.

"Sweetie when is your husband will come here?"

"Another 3 days dad."

"You should take some rest honey, I will take care of Jin Woo."

"It's okay dad, I want to take him with me."


"Maybe some walk.. because I missed Korea so much!"

Mr. Jung nodded to his daughter.  He let go of Jin Woo from his arm slowly, Jin Woo then run towards his mommy and they hug tightly.  Mr. Jung left both of them in that room as he want to give them some space.

"Do you want take a walk with mommy?"

"I want it! I want it!"

"Alright.. Let's go!"


Jimin sit on a bench alone while looking at the other people there.  It was such a great day today!  I'm glad that today I didn't have any class to attend, so that I can spend the whole time at this park alone.  He took out his phone and looking at the time.  It's lunch time now.  He sighed.  Why must time running so fast?  He then walk a way from that park as he want to go to a restaurant that is nearby.

As he walk, suddenly he could see a little boy who is crying alone.  He walk as fast as he could to that boy.  Aigooo poor little boy, where is his parents? Why did they left him alone there?

"Hey little boy, where is your parents?"

"I don't know!"

That little boy crying out loud and that's make several of people are looking at them.  Jimin trying to pat slowly on his back so that he could feel a little calm, but that boy step away from him.  Maybe he's afraid with me, Jimin mumbled.

"Uncle is a kind person, don't be afraid."

After Jimin had said that, that little boy become crying more loudly than before.  The people who were hearing it started to whispering about it.  Geez! Please don't cry more loudly little boy, people will have a bad thought about me.

"Jin Woo yah!! Where are you?"

Jimin trying to find that voice, maybe that's his mom who is looking for her son right now.  Jin Woo? Is that his name? By the way, his face looks familiar to me.. or maybe not.

"What is your name little boy?"

"J-Jin Woo..."

Thank God! His mom is here right now!  Jimin trying to lift up that little boy after he successfully persuade that little boy.  He walk slowly as he need to make that little boy feel calm now.

"Jin Woo..."

Shocked.  Jimin didn't expect about this.  She is his mother?! No wonder that his face looks familiar! Both Jimin and that little boy's mother are standing in front of each other without saying anything for a several seconds.

"J-Jimin ah..."

"A-Are you.... his.. mother?!"

Y/N nodded. Woah... what a unexpected coincidence is this!  It's been a long time since their last encounter.  Yes... it's been a long time now...


Jimin look at Y/N who is busy feeding her son.  He still can't believe it that after 4 years for not being contacted, now he's seeing Y/N with her own son.  She probably a married woman now.  Probably?! It's not a probably Park Jimin! Her husband must be so lucky for getting a nice girl like Y/N as his wife now.  Geez.. don't be jealous Jimin!

"So what are you doing right now Jimin? Study? Or working?"

"Study of course.. how about you?"

"Same as you."

"In which university?"

"Seneca College in Toronto, Canada."

"Canada? Is that means... you have been living there during this 4 years??"

Y/N nodded and she going back to focus on her son.  Jimin look at Jin Woo's face, he didn't take Y/N's face that much but his face is still familiar for him.  I wonder who is his father right now.

"So.. are you coming back for good or not?"

"Well.. I will stay here just for 3 months only.."


"Then I will go back to Canada."

"Why? Can't you just stay here? South Korea is your home too."

"I know Jimin ah... I need to go back there because of I need to finish my studies there, then I will come back here and stay here forever."


"Yes I promise."

Jimin smile happily.  Finally the though year are gone now.  For about 4 years straight, he need to overcome all of the pain alone.  He glad that now he can see Y/N more often, but first I need to know who is his husband before I can ask her to go out with me.

"Y/N ah... can I ask you something?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Who is your husband?"

"It's Kang Tae Hyun."

"Mummy I want ice cream!"

"Okay let's go... Jimin ah do you want to join us?"


In his mind right now, he can't stop thinking about Y/N's husband.  Wait... Kang Tae Hyun? She married with her own secretary?! Like... how's that impossible?! It's that means.. Jin Woo is their son?!  I thought it will be Kim Jin Woo not Kang Jin Woo, he then sighed.


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