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benny- "babe.. who is that?"
i saw my brother running towards me
j- "Y/N!!! where have you been?"
y/n- "i've been staying at benny's house.. where's dad?"
j- "i don't know.. i woke up and he was gone.. i figured he came searching for you! he's seemed very depressed these last few days"
y/n- "we need to get home!"
benny- "babe! you can't go home! it's probably almost 3 in the morning! what if your dads there?"
j- "BABE?? her names y/n."
y/n- "jj.. there's something i need to tell you.."
j- "oh PLEASE tell me you're not dating rodriguez"
i looked at benny then back at my brother
y- "he's really sweet once you get to know him!"
jj- "whatever let's just get home! i guess you're little boyfriend can come too"
b- "little? first of all i-
y-"benny! let's go"
b- "right, sorry love"
we ran to the house and went inside. i saw my dad.
dad- "Y/N!! i've been worried sick! where have you been?!"
y/n- "why are you acting like this?"
dad- "like what?"
i look down and see beer bottles everywhere
y/n- "dad.. have you been drinking?"
dad- he started to look angry "that is none of you business"
y/n-"dad.. tell me.. have you been drinking?"
he looked down
dad- "i'm sorry.."
i hugged him as tight as i could but he pushed me away slamming me into the coffee table
dad- "y/n.. i'm so sorry"
y/n: "dad it's okay.. everything will be okay.. you're just drunk okay?"
he turned and looked at benny
dad- "who invited you to my house? i don't know you! get out of my house!"
jj- "dad! he's with me.. he's my friend"
dad- "jordan go to your room.. and take your friend with you"
jj- "dad i-"
jj- "okay. come on benny.. let's go"
benny- "i can't leave her here. not with him"
dad- "excuse me? you think i can't take care of my own daughter? you think i would HURT my own daughter?!"
b- "no sir. that's not what i meant i just-"
y/n- "benny.. just go. please.."

bennys pov-
i couldn't leave her. not like this. she was in pain. i had to help her. i had to do something
y/n- "benny.. if you really care about me you would leave just please go.. i'll be okay.."
jj- "come on bro.. we have to go"
jordan and i left the house as we were walking away i looked into the window
"phillips come here"
jj- "what"
i watched as y/n's dad yelled at her and threw things across the room. i hated myself for not being able to do anything. she saw us in the window and she looked at me and started crying. i mouthed "i love you" to her but she just looked away.. i know she probably didn't believe me but, i really did love this girl.
jj- "look man, i know it hurts to watch her in pain but.. you have to realize she's been dealing with this for years.."
benny- "why does he do this? what makes him treat her this way"
jj- "he misses our mom.. and y/n looks just like her.. so i guess every time he looks at her.. he remembers she's gone and blames her for it..
b- "why does he blame her? i don't get it"
jj- "he says it her fault mom had to take that plane. she went missing and our mom had to fly back because she was so worried. y/n had been gone for maybe at least a week before mom had to come back home"
b- "where was she?"
jj- "i don't know.. she won't talk about it.. but after out mom died.. dad has had serious anger issues and drinking problems.."
b- "i can't imagine losing the person you love most.. he must feel terrible"
y/n walked outside and once she stepped off of the porch she collapsed
benny- "babe!"
i ran to her and picked her up
"phillips what do i do?!"
i started to panick
jj- "we have to take her to your house.. if dad found out we took her to the hospital.. he would be even more aggravated"
i ran as fast as i could with her in my arms. once we got to my house i opened the door and ran her to my room.
when i sat her down she started opening her eyes
y/n- "rodriguez?"
b- "y/n! what happened?"
y- "i don't know.. i don't remember.. my head.. its pounding"
b- "phillips.. can you give us a minute?"
phillips went to the bathroom while i sat y/n up and cleaned her face off with my shirt
"babe.. what happened"
y/n- "he threw me benny.. he threw me so hard.. i couldn't even fight back.. all i could do was walk out .."
b- "you're safe now my love. it's okay"
i grabbed her face and wiped off her tears and kissed her softly
"do you want to go wash up?"
y/n- "yes, please"
we went to the restroom and i washed her face off
y/n- "babe? i need to take a shower"
benny- "but baby you can't even stand up for that long how are you gonna-
"come in with me"
she looked like she meant it. i needed to help her
b- "babe are you sure?"
y/n- "yes. please."
she started to undress herself and i did too. i didn't look at her but i tried to help her into the shower
y/n- "benny.. you can open your eyes you know?"
b- "do you want me to?"
i opened my eyes and tried not to look down. i didn't want her to think i was only in there to look at her
she kissed me and pulled my arms so i came closer to her
y/n- "benny?"
"yes my love?"
"have you ever taken a shower with a girl?"
"no.. have you ever taken a shower with a boy?"
"well.. me and jordan used to take bubble baths when we were babies? does that count?"
i smiled and kissed her again. this kiss was longer though. she didn't push away this time. in fact. she held me even closer than before
after about a minute or two, she pulled away and began washing her hair. of course i turned the other way from her so she could have some privacy. after she was done she grabbed my arm and turned me towards her. she grabbed my neck and kissed me and said
"benny rodriguez.. i love you too.."


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