first night together fluff

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Hi..fluff, maybe smut later, but right now fluff............

You'll read it cuz why not

Third person pov


Next thing Hinata knows Sugamama is asking him if he's alright.

"Do y-you need ice!?" Yachi asks nervously.

"No!! I'm fine, let's keep practicing!" Hinata says as he jumps up with a huge smile on his face. Even though there's a huge red mark on his cheek.

"Hinata boké!" Kags yells, " pay attention dumbass." "Shut up!" Hinata says with an almost whiny 5 year old tone. "Okay! One more," Daichi yells.

              -later in a lá club room-             
"Hey, how's the studying going you two?" Suga asks. Hinata and Kageyama look at each other in a panic. "Ha! Bet'cha they didn't even start," salty Tsukki remarks.

"Shut up you.. you dinosaur," Hinata says back. "Oh look Yams, I'm getting yelled at by an orange," Tsukki says smugly (because we all know he's a bit full of his dino self)

"Grow up," Kags says. "Thank you Kageyama," Daichi says.

"Oh... no I'm just tired of hearing his bitch ass jokes." (sorry I have no dialogue what so ever 🏳️‍🌈) "Whatever. * insert mom sigh* Anyways go to one another's house or something, just S T U D Y!" Sugamama demands.

             -kags home biatches-
(I feel too weird doing dialogue so normal is Kags and bold is Hinata)

"Make yourself at home, I'll get food"

"Do you wanna study in your room?"


-after studying cuz Imma lazy hoe-

"All done! Finally," he says as he yawns.

"Dumbass don't fall aslee-"

Hinata fell asleep resting his head on Kags shoulder.

*insert pic of that one seen from given I think it fits* I also think that's what Kags is doing now too ✨c u t e✨🏳️‍🌈

*insert pic of that one seen from given I think it fits* I also think that's what Kags is doing now too ✨c u t e✨🏳️‍🌈

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Kags brushes Hinata's hair behind his ear,  he's so adorable, Kags thinks to himself blushing. He picks Hinata up and lays him gently down on the bed. Where he then covers Hinata up and lays next to him. They both fall asleep, cuddling each other.

-*imagine stage play kags in his moon outfit say "the next day"-

Hinata wakes up, feeling a bit warm and confused, where am I, he thinks to himself. Then he remembers he studied with Kags, I must've fallen asleep here. He then realizes he's cuddling something... EEK! I'm cuddling Kageyama?!

"Good morning sleepy head," Kageyama said turning himself to face an extremely red Hinata.

"Aack! Kags I'm so sorry I fell asleep!" Hinata replies.

"It's alright.. also did you know you're a very strong cuddler?"

"Ah! I'm so so sorry!" Hinata says, turning an even darker red if possible.

"Let's eat," Kags states.

"YES! I'm starving!" Hinata says following Kags downstairs to eat.

The end for that one! Im sorry it was so short. Sorry if it was shit, I can't write. Let me know if I made any mistakes, and please let me know if you liked it! Thanks for reading🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 word count: 495?

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