liam parents werewolf reveal

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Liam parents werewolf reveal
Summary no need pretty direct
The pack are very close and loft is the pack house Jackson Isaac Ethan stayed through out

after season 6b
Liam pov
It’s been few weeks since the Hunter war things are calming down I have been living in the hale mcall pack house aka the loft I have been to chicken to go that’s what Jackson says so today I am going I reach the house super nervous
When I rang the bell I was expecting a gun but was taken in with hug my step dad asked if I was ok I said yes he announced to my mom I am home she was super happy she asked what happened to me
I sat and started i told them everything from be getting bitten to dead pool to dread doctors to beast to the ghost rider to anukte and Hunter when I finished they were shocked and concerned I told them nothing to worry about I am safe but they couldn’t stop worrying so instead they said they want to meet the pack so I took them to the loft they were nervous when I opened the door of the loft everyone was shouting I told everyone to shut up when they did they relized my parents were there I introduced the pack and my parent's

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