Muga Puthagam 💙9

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It was 11.30 at night. Shrawan clossed his eyes and started to think about the whole day. Saru..... How come the girl can can propose before 50 students... My God. He wished to call her. But his mind alarmed him the time. Suddenly his mobile started to ring. He took his mobile and was shocked to see the name.

Without loosing a second he picked the call. .

Is everything fine?

All well. Why so?

Okey. Then why you made a call by this time??

I just made a call to say "Thank you".

Thank you??

I feel no words to say.

You are a magic in my life. I was annoyed and longing for love from my parrents. But they thinks that securing my life is the best thing insteed of spending an hour with me.

Do you know how many days I had sleepless nights

Acho.. yarr.. what happened??

I need to talk for a while.

Okey.. proceed...

When you stepped into my life I was thinking that you are just an other guy. But you treated me as a good friend. The little care from you sounds to me like a mountain of love. The way you treated me like a princes of a hevenly Paradise.

Haha...why you praise me soo?

Shu.. I just wish that I need such good friend till the end of my life. Whatso fights please don't let me go. Extend your care and love as you do know.

She started to cry with a low voice. Shrawan was confused how to make her happy. He saw Saru crying for the first time to him. He could sense his eyes shedding tears. He wiped his eyes and planned to convince her.


No issues Shrawan. I'm ok now. I just thought to talk to you. Don't mistake me.

Han. Nothing... Sleep well with a smile..

Will meet tomorrow.

Ok Shrawan. Good night.

Thanks for listening so calm.


Bye. Take care.

After disconnecting the call. He could listen saru's tears and the belief that she had on him. The whole night was breezy and made his heart to feel for Saru.

On the next day Saru was ready to catch up the collage bus. She saw a tall guy with a very good look who was looking her. She took her mobile and texted Shrawan "I'm waiting for collage bus". The guy came towards her. Her heart-beat raised. He came towards her.
He felt that she was not feeling good on seeing him. The bus came. She climbed up on the bus. Soon he climbed on the same bus. She started thinking about that guy. Then she saw her classmate climbing the bus. Saru asked the girl to sit near to her. Suddenly she could hear some Horan sound. She turned towards the window. She could see Shrawan on the bike. They bus and the bike entered the gate in a same line. He parked his bike and stood near to the entrence waiting for saru. He saw Saru comming along with a girl. The girl saw Shrawan and left saru. Saru stepped towards Shrawan.

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