I couldn't take it anymore.
AT least i think. I would tell them i was done but they would have me stay; or at least he does. Oh him, u don't know what its like to have someone like him to love you even if you're a complete mental case. Someone who loves you even with all your weird quirks. Someone who you know that actually loves you for you. This "him" is the love of my life, Jacob Knight. He's the only one who knows about everything that's going on. If everyone else could see my thoughts they would send me to an asylum, not him though. Ever since my dad walked out in my mum and I, I changed or at least i did according to Jacob. He said that i used to be so happy before. He never knew how bad I was hurting until I tried to end it all. I had this voice in my head that kept saying I'm the reason he left or that he was ashamed to call me his daughter. The thoughts were getting worse and worse until i couldn't take it anymore. I tried to make the voices in my head go away. But he walked in. As i stepped off he ran in. Catching me before the rope did. He removed the rope from my neck. As I screamed and cried for him to let go he cradled me in his arms as we sat on the corner of my bed. I finally broke free from his grasp causing myself to fall onto the carpet beneath my bed. I say there crying in the floor rocking back and forth. He sat down beside me and held me tightly. This time i didn't resist, I melted into his arms as his grip strengthened. Just then he started to cry. He pulled away and put his hands to his wiping away tears. I-it was the first time I ever saw his actually cry. I was the most heartbroken id ever felt in forever. I broke the strongest person i knew. I could feel my heart shattering into a thousand pieces.