The first occurrence

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The sun shone through the gap in my curtains and caressed my face. I pulled my blanket over my head so no light could enter. There is a sudden knock on the door, it is my maid Lydia, she is like a big sister to me and I have no idea what i would do without her. She enters the room and pulls my covers off of me, opening the curtains and says-
" Morning, sleepy head. Your father wants you ready and dressed before breakfast as he has some guests joining you. Before you ask me i do not know of who they are, but you shall find out soon enough. See you later m'lady."'
"Thank you Lydia, and will you stop calling me 'm'lady' i hate it! "
She chuckles, nods her head and leaves.
With being a royal I am expected to dress in dresses, talk formally and be perfect. Well, i am the complete opposite and it will stay that way. I plod over to my humongous wardrobe whilst  yawning and pick out my outfit for the day; ( use your imagination for your outfit ). After I had gotten dressed I brushed my hair and my teeth. I then walk downstairs saying good morning to each worker i pass and stroking my dogs as they follow me into the dining haul. I walk in not aware of who was there. I hear my farther clear his throat. I look up and see him stood with 3 other people. 
" Nice of you to join us this morning. Y/n." He says with a stern look.
"Your welcome father." I say sarcastically while sitting down.
"Do not be rude and ignore our guests Y/n. Say hello."
I look at him pissed off and look at the guests and see a girl and what seem to be her parents. 
" Sorry for my great rudeness, I am Y/n Black as I assume you know," i pause for a moment. "Who the fuck are you?" I ask while tilting my head slightly. Their daughter laughs and answers- 
" Jasmine Lovegod and these are my parents. Simon and Julie Lovegod."
I have never heard of these people before. I am curious as to which realm they rule. Everyone starts to eat as both my and Jasmine's parents talk. I finish eating and so does Jasmine. 
" I'm going for a ride. "
" Take Jasmine with you perhaps?" Suggests her father. " We and your father need to address some issues we are having."
I nod and Jasmine follows me to the stable.
" Sorry for being an absolute arse this morning, i like notice of who is coming to the castle a few days in advance, but didn't get that and it pissed me off. "
She laughs-
" Its fine! I'm the same. I hate it. Your stable is lovely by the way."
" Thank you. I planned it out and got others to build it for me. You can take Snow, " I point to the white horse. " and ill take midnight. He's my horse. No one else can ride him unless i let them."
We mount the horses and start riding slowly across the ever-green moor. 
" What realm do you rule? I've been very curious and would like to know." I ask.
" Water. We rule the water realm. People say its one of the weakest elements. I believe otherwise. "
" So you can like, breathe underwater?" 
" Yeah, pretty much. It's so magical to be underwater and being able to see all of the wonderful wildlife. I take advantage of my abilities sometimes. "
We ride through the moor, past the gleaming river, admire the towering tree's and ride back to the stable and put the horse's back into their home. We had got to know each other in better detail, its almost like we were... friends. I had never had a friend before. 
Inside we go back to the dining haul but wait outside as we heard arguing coming from the inside. Then... silence. I burst into the room and see my father on the floor, no blood, no life, nothing. I kneel next to him as tears fall from my eyes creating a river. Jasmine kneels next to me and puts her arm around me.
" He deserved it. " says her father. 
Before i can say anything Jasmine gets up and a wave of power comes to her and she strikes her parents killing them. There was no body's. None. My father had vanished. I stand up, still tears running down my face, i wipe them away and smile. 
" Well, that was a turn of events. Never liked him anyway. " i laugh.
" Never liked my parents either. They were awful. " she replies.
We walk around the castle. No one is to be found, no workers, no animals, nothing. Then a grey cloud starts to fall over the land, a few miles away, i look at Jasmine in panic.
" Whats that?" i ask
" No idea. " 
My ears start to ring and my eyes go red. I hear a voice whisper-
" The dungeon... go to the dungeon..." 
I panic while grabbing Jasmine's arm and pulling her to the dungeon. We come across a portal, a greenish color.  
" Please tell me you aren't planning on making us go through there, are you!?" Jasmine shouts.
" Well i have no idea what that grey thing is coming for us and this voice in my head told me to come here so i assume the grey thing is something deadly! So it's a life of death situation! So what do you say!?" I shout back.
" Well it's not very efficient is it-" 
I cut her off by pulling her into a portal. A green obis surrounds us, we keep falling.. and falling.. and falling, we couldn't stop!

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter to this story! Lmk if you did! Stay tuned for the next part! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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