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X's Point of View

Why did E choose this game in the first place?


I watched E spin the bottle and it landed on C

"You have to kiss C, E!" I giggled.

"Ew...I'll pass" E shook his head 'no'.


Wait, D! NO!!!

D pushed E to C and they both kissed and then throw up in their bag

"They didn't have enough time." D facepalmed.

"Haha!" A laughed.

"I'm serious, A!"

And then A and D have a huge fight after that...

"Okay! Who's next?" G asked.

There was silence again

"How about you, Two?" F asked.

"Um...okay then!" Two grabbed the bottle and spin it.

"Oh gosh!" B was shaking a lot.

"Four, you probably don't want to see this"

D covered Four's eyes for some reason and the bottle stopped spinning

"Uhh..." E looked shocked as he looked at the bottle.


"Huh?" I saw it pointing between Four and me.

"W-WHAT?!" Two screamed as he was about to throw up.

"Does that mean you have to kiss both?" E said feeling confused.

"I think so..." D uncovered Four's eyes.

"Wait...WHAT?!?" Four was shocked and threw up in his bag.


"Be quiet, X! Two needs to wake up if he's gonna kiss you both"


Two ran into the bathroom and threw up on the toilet

Four's Point of View




I have no words on what just happened right now...

"Well, that was weird...your turn, Four!" E gives me the bottle.

"Alrighty!" I smiled and spun the bottle.

"Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!"

"Who's it gonna be???"


When the bottle stopped spinning, it landed on-

"X!!! You have to kiss X!!!" E smiled and cheered.

"Uhh..." X blushed madly.

Yes! This is my biggest chance!

However, I will not fall for that kiss from Two

That idiot...

"Good thing I didn't have to k-"

"Shush! Now go kiss X!" D covered my mouth.

"D, really?"

"Yes. I have to cover your mouth because you're wasting your time."

"Yeah! What are you waiting for?" E giggled.

"You better not scream."

"I won't!"

"Ok then? C'mon X!" I smiled and hugged X.

"Uh...what do you want, Four?" X asked as I put him close.

Finally, I finally get to kiss X!!!


I held X closer and then I finally kissed him


"AAAAAAAAAAAAA-" E screamed and then fainted.

"Oof. You did it." D carried E to bed.

"He has some screaming issues."

"Finally! He's gone" F cheered.


"H-Huh?" X lets go of the kiss and blushed madly.

"That was fun!" A smiled as he placed the bottle away.

"I KNOW RIGHT!" I smiled and hugged X.

"F-Four! Please..."

"IT'S TERRIBLE!!!" Two screamed in the bathroom.

"Um... should we check on Two?" B asked.

"Yeah... probably not" D said and he went to bed.

"Err...so who wants to play a video game instead?" E said as he got up.




E really needs to calm down, but I did it! I'm still not sure how X is feeling about me too ....




HEY GUYS SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT... It's almost been a long time since I updated this book. The truth is my computer is not working and I have to use a phone instead. I hope you all understand and I will still continue on this book

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