Chapter 3: Final Ten

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"Are you five the final members of group 12?" a coach shouts at us.

"Yes we are" Kate shouts back with no hesitation.

"Come on over here then" He gestures to us to follow him.

We of  course do as instructed and are led to a group of five other girls sat down putting their boots on.

"Ladies, get your boots on quickly. We need to start the first round. My name is Zac and I will be your coach for the day. I will be following you round all the stations and marking your abilities" He introduces himself.

"I will also have the unfortunate job of letting you go if I don't feel you are able to provide the correct skills we are seeking"

I finish putting on my boots and jump up. While waiting for the others to finish I allow my gaze to travel round the pitch. Some ladies were clearly more skilled than others. I watched as a few struggled to keep up. I wasn't t going to allow that to be me.

"Right then, let's go to station one. The first task is simple. You have to run the length of the pitch four times. And we will be timing you. On my whistle" Zac announces while lining us all up. I wasn't nervous at all about this one.

"This is yours Kimberley" Kate nudges me

"Good luck" I whisper to her.

Just then the whistle goes off and I fly forward. I don't look back for the whole time. I was completely focused. The next thing I heard was Zac's voice.

"One minute, 4 seconds" as I finish my fourth length.

"The fastest one of today" He smirks at me.

I take some deep breaths and turn around to see how far away the others are. I notice Kate is lagging at the back. Come on girl. Don't do this to me. She must have noticed I had finished as I saw her speed pick up. Just then another girl finishes.

"One minute, 32 seconds" the girl's collapses next to me. Lucy is the next girl though and then followed by Racheal. Both were relieved it was over. A couple more girls came through, which left Lily, Kate and another girl. Whoever came last would most likely get sent home. We all knew it. I noticed Kate was on her final lap. But she only had one blonde girl behind her, and she was picking up her speed.

"May I go run the final lap with her?" I ask Zac for permission. He nods at me.

I run down the pitch and Kate is shocked to see me.

"What are you doing?" She says, clearly very out of breath.

"Listen to me, you only have one girl behind you. And soon she is going to overtake you. And you know what that means. You got to pick up the speed. You are better than this" I tell her.

"Ok, let's do this" she tells me as I watch as she pushes herself like never before.

I look ahead to see Lily passing the finish line. We are 30 metres away. And before I know it we were over the line and Kate collapses to the floor. All the other girls are led down attempting to breathe. That's when I notice the final blonde girl advancing towards the finish line. I walk up towards the line and shout out some cheers and claps. I can see Zac looking down at me with a questioning look on his face. The girls face lights up with a smile as she passes the line. Knowing that the pain is over.

"Good effort Shannon, but unfortunately I can't take you through to the next stage" Zac announces. I look towards the girl to see a blank expression on her face, I think we all knew it was coming.

"Come on ladies, we need to move onto the next section" Zac states while walking away not caring that some were still gasping for air.

 The other girls drag themselves off the floor to follow him, I take a moment to lean down to Shannon.

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