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"How are you?" Soojin says as I try to read the same contract for the fifth time.

"I don't know anymore." I sigh and throw the papers on the table, rubbing my face "For God, I don't know, Soojin. Jennie's different, each day more distant, colder, more indifferent."


"I have no idea." I swallow hard as I feel my throat burning "I can't get close to her, she gets irritated and pushes me away. Not even a hug."

"Has she been staying at the hospital?" She sighs and takes my hand.

"Most of the time and taking care of a few things from their companies."

"How long?"

"A month and a few days." I swivel in my chair and stare out the window "Jennie isn't the same person I fell in love with, Soojin. And I don't know if it's something temporary or if it's a permanent change."

"What do you see in her eyes?"

"Hatred and hurt. As if I was to blame for everything. Funny, isn't it? I defend her from the asshole family she has and now she's hating me because of them." I start laughing at how insane fate can be.

"You two should talk."

"Talk what? For her to scream and blame me more? Saying that if it weren't for me, her father would be okay?"

"She said that?" Soojin looks in shock.

"Not yet, but that's what I hear in my mind when I look into her eyes. I lost all excitement to marry her. I don't know what else to make of it all, Soojin."


"Until a month ago I was sure she was the love of my life and now? Now I don't even know why we're still together!"

"You need to vent your anger and all accumulated feelings, before you do something crazy on impulse." Soojin approaches and pulls me by the hand, making me stand up.

"Do you have any idea? Because my favorite way to vent feelings is having sex, since I don't have sex with my supposed fiancee, will you have sex with me?" I say only to see her blush and I start to laugh, but at the same time, Jennie walks through the door. "Jennie!"

"Unbelievable" She's still standing at the door. "I really can't believe there's so much going on and you're complaining about not having sex." she turns and walks out the door.

"Shit, no, Jen, you got it wrong," I run after her and catch up when she's already arriving in the elevator. I pull her by the arm, but she turns and pushes me away, already crying.

"Don't touch me! Don't call me Jen or any nickname, not after finding out you're cheating on me." She starts to fill me with slaps and I realize that we're in the middle of the company. I grip her arm tightly as I try to calm down and drag her back to my room.

"I'll call you later." I say to Soojin and she just nods. I push Jennie into the room and close the door, locking it. "Come on, scream everything you want to scream." I cross my arms and stare out the window.

"You're so shameless, Kim Jisoo." she says through her tears and I take a deep breath "I thought you had the least amount of decency and respect for me."

"I won't talk about what you heard, until you're calm enough."

"I'll never be calm enough." she says irritated.

"What do you want to talk to me?" I say after a few minutes, when I realize she has stopped crying.

"My dad is leaving the hospital today."

"I'm happy for you."

"You wanted him to die, didn't you?"

"I didn't say that." I raise an eyebrow at her.

"My mom was right about you." She shakes her head in denial.

"What are you talking about, Jennie?"

"I thought you'd be, at the very least, glad things were getting better."

"What?" I laugh sarcastically "I'm bursting with happiness, Jennie, YAHOOOOOO" I raise my hands up pretending to celebrate "Now can I go back to my reality? Where is nothing improving?"

"Stop being selfish for once!" she changes her voice and now I'm really surprised.

"Selfish? Are you calling me selfish?" I approach her "I've been here every fucking day since this started. I've been by your side supporting you and all you do is push me away, treat me with coldness and indifference."

"Here we go again." She crosses her arms "Come on, blame me for being like this because you haven't had sex for more than a month."

"Unbelievable." I take a step back "I never covered or forced you to anything, the only thing I wanted was at least a hug." I clench my hands tightly "A HUG, JENNIE, AND I DON'T GET THAT WHEN I GET HOME, JUST YOUR DAMN ICE TREATMENT!" I rest my hands on the table and close my eyes. "Do you still want to get married?" I say without looking at her, but there's only silence.

"I came to tell you that as my dad is leaving the hospital today, I'm going home to help my mom with whatever she needs." I turn while she speaks and I extend my hand, with the palm facing upwards "What?"

"Give me back the ring." I grit my teeth to keep from crying. A beautiful end to a bad love story. "Come on, give it back to me. You don't want to get married anymore, you don't have to lie to me."

"Want to enjoy with Soojin and have a clear conscience?" she says mockingly as she takes off the ring. I approach her and place my hands on her arms.

"Don't ever say anything about Soojin again. I don't accept you saying anything about her, because you have no right, much less reason for it." I squeeze her arms "Go back to the closet, to your homophobic and asshole family, go back to being what they want you to be if that's what will make you happy, but never talk about Soojin again."

"You're hurting me, Jisoo." She says softly, as she tries to let go of my hands.

"You just destroyed my heart. What's an arm grip compared to what you did to me?" I give her a wry smile and push her away, turn my back to her.

"I'll get my things and leave the key..." Her voice is choked and I raise my hand to silence her. I take a few deep breaths before turning to her again.

"You can have all that." I walk to the door and open it.

"It's your house." She looks at me confused. Her face is so swollen and red.

"I don't want anything that has any memory of you and that place is full of it."

"But there are your clothes and..."

"What part of I don't want anything related to you, don't you understand?" I arch an eyebrow at her "I'll just stop by to pick up Dalgomie, his things and some documents. I hope I don't find you." I clear my throat to ward off the urge to cry "Now, you can go, I have important things to do, Kim."

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