First words - chapter 1

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Enjoy guys :)


~April's Pov

"April wake upppppppppp", my older, soon to be dead brother if he doesn't stop shaking me, shouted waking me up.

"Get the fuck off me Sawyer or I swear I'll break those skinny little arms of yours. You weigh a freaking tonne". I screamed.WhatcanIsay, Isometimesget...aggressivewhenI'mwokenupearly.

"Damn April Jees calm down Anger management and these arms are...far from skinny. SeeI told dad to put you in anger management classes but nooo he was all like-"

"SAWYER just shut up what do you want ugh." Now I'm officially awake...thanks Sawyer for waking me up at 8:20am.

Wait...."Shit its 8:20am. Sawyer why didn't you wake me up school starts in thirty minutes!"

"Well I was doing that wasn't I but you just so rudely interrupted me. Anyway as I was saying, school starts in thirty minutes and you should get up before your late." He even had the decency to smile after saying that and run out of my room before I punched his face. Idiot. For a guy in college he acts like a ten year old.

Quickly jumping out of my bed doing a 360 spin and landing on the floor with a thump, I scurried into the bathroom brushing my teeth and taking a shower.

15 minutes later I'm all done and ready to go. Looking at myself in the mirror I was satisfied with the way I looked. I sometimes hated looking at myself in the mirror it always felt like I was staring at my mom I looked exactly like her. I got my moms brown eyes and brown hair, we all did but Mason and Robbie who got dad's blue eyes.

I was wearing my red flannel shirt, skinny jeans and my black converse with my wavy brown hair left down. Or should I leave it up, I thought.
"Sawyer! Mason !Robbie" I shouted calling my idiot of brothers.

"What?!"they all screamed in unison.

"Up or down." I asked

"Up." They all said again in unison...creepy. "Down it is", I responded."Bye Sawyer don't burn the house down. Mason and Robbie let's go!" I shouted grabbing a granola bar.

"Oh Sawyer when dad wakes up tell him there's chicken in the fridge and he should just heat it up okay." I said giving him a pointed look. Is he even listening to me!


There's four of us in total Me, Mason Robbie, Sawyer and my dad. My mom, she died when I was 11 but we've been coping I guess. It was mostly hard for the twins Mason and Robbie since they were the youngest being nine at the time but its been seven years and we've been getting on well. Sawyer's in college but comes back home from time to time when he wants to leave campus. Dad works a lot being a lawyer and everything, Mason and Robbie are Juniors in school thinking they own the bloody school and me...well I just can't wait to finish since this is my final year. Woo fucking Hoo!

"We're late" Mason pointed out (as if it wasn't obvious) getting into my silver 2011 Ford focus.

I loved cars especially the Ford focus. I had to beg my dad to pay half of the price for it while I worked 3 summer jobs. When I finally got it I was so happy.

"Thank you Captain obvious we didn't know that". Robbie said sarcasm evident in his voice.

"Took the words right outta my mouth young grasshopper." I smirked. Robbie hates it when I say that.

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