Revenge is a dish best served Pink

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Chapter 4 - Revenge is a dish best served pink

Enjoy :)))))

Storming out of the cafeteria in anger I ran to the toilets. While running in the hallways people were giving me weird glances. What? Haven't you  seen  a  girl  with  chocolate  milk  all  over  her  before  like  damn  people. Mind  ya own damn  business!

Going into the toilet, I checked my reflection only to see my brown hair sticking to my clothes, a brown stain on my white T-shirt, and my mascara running down my face.

Gosh I could strangle you right now Lucca you fucking asshole.

Quickly turning on the tap and rinsing off my face of all the sticky milk I heard someone coming into the bathroom.

"Well well well look who it is." I turned around to look at the person although I had a good idea of who it was already.

Becca. Becca Amberdale. Let me tell you a little bit about Becca. She moved to Haywood High two years ago. We became friends on the first day. Then the next day she ditched me to hang out with the 'cool kids'. Our friendship lasted 24 hours...How sad.

I mean don't get me wrong she was super nice the first day then out of no where she became this bitch who thought she owned the damn school. Always slutting around and sleeping with boys with her short skirts and crop tops. Even in winter!

After that she would glare at me sometimes in the hallways or say a sly comment when she has the chance with her two other barbie's, Lauren and Jasmine.

"It is I Becca. May I help you." I responded smirking. I find it funny when Becca and her group of minions try to insult me. The struggle is actually real.

"Yes actually you can do me a favour and throw away all your clothes. I mean they're hurting my eyes." She sniggered. Her little minions agreeing with her as always.

"Why would I throw it away when I can give it to you. I mean look at your arms honey...your shivering."

"Whatever April I'm just here to warn you to stay away from Lucca. You upset him today that's probably why you got milk dumped all over you." She looked please by her lame response. Her minions nodding their head agreeing with her yet again.

They reminded me of those bobble heads you see in movies. I sniggered thinking about the image.

"What's so funny." She asked a sneer on her face.

"Nothing." I said a fake smile on my face
"Well if that is all you wanted I'll be on my way."

Walking past her she purposefully bumped her shoulders with mine.

As I was coming out of the bathroom I was met with Sam and Hannah.

"Oh my gosh April we heared what happened. Where's Lucca I'll kill him. Actually no we'll all beat the shit out of him and I'll get my dog to bite his di- "

"Hannah!" I screamed finally getting her to shut up. "You don't have a dog." I pointed out.

"So. What he doesn't know won't hurt."

Sam rolled her eyes at Hannah and looked at me "Seriously April what the hell."

"I don't know Sam and I don't care I swear the next time I see him I'll knock his front teeth out. Nevermind Hannah's 'dog' I'll rip off his dick and feed it to him." I growled anger taking over me again.

"We'll be right there to help." Hannah chirped an evil look in her eye. Trust Hannah to want to get involved with Drama.

Sam laughed while adding ,"Yeah lets go guys I'm pretty sure the bell rang 5 minutes ago. We're late."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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