Chapter 1: Where it all began

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this is a rewrite because i didn't like the first one

TW: death and cringe
you are 12-13 in the story
(S/N: sister's name)

You and you're sister were outside playing, you're parents were just watching you both.
You were just passing a ball to her, you suddenly felt wind through your hair. Both you and your sister looked up to see.. a figure in the sky? (The unknown God)
You're mom called both of you to come inside immediately, you're sister already walked inside, you stood there for a few minutes while just watching the figure.
eventually you snapped back to reality and walked inside slowly, whilst still holding the ball you and your sister had played with.

When you walked in, you immediately dropped the ball while tears formed in your eyes.
you saw your whole family. dead. there was blood everywhere, you covered your mouth as tears fell out.
your knees gave out, and you fell to the floor crying.

eventually, you gained enough energy to get back up as you wiped away your tears. You looked down at your sister's dead body, and placed a flower on her (from the counter i guess)
You headed outside as the wind flew through your hair, you felt the wind getting.. stronger?
you suddenly had fallen through a portal or something, falling into another world.
You closed your eyes as tears poured out, you were ready for impact on the ground but it didn't come. A tree temporarily stopped your fall, before you could even think you already slipped off of it.
You hit the ground, covered in cuts and bruises from the branches and hitting the ground.
You just looked at your hands that had some blood in them, as you covered your face and cried silently.

after a while, it started to get dark and your vision got blurry, you passed out from exhaustion.
the guards from the enterance of mondstat finally noticed your emotionless body, they immediately rushed over to you. (i forgot their names so just bare with me-)
one of them went back to mondstat to get the calvary captain, the other one knelt down to your level and checked you pulse (either on your wrist or neck)
he let out a sigh of relief and pulled his hand back.

just then, the calvary captain had ran into the scene, he looked down at your drained figure.
after some thinking, he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up as he walked back into mondstat.

hiya! :D. i rewrote the chapter because before it was shit
it still is
this took me all day because i kept procrastinating, but i'll try to get chapter 2 out soon
buh bye<3

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