A New Student?

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(A/N: I tried to study the Japanese school system for like an hour but gave up so pls don't kill me for any inaccuracies)

Word Count: 2393

It was a foggy November Monday morning. It was her first return after having the flu, and Sara was eager to jump straight back into the swing of things.

Suddenly, she felt a hug from behind. "Ack! Joe! A warning first would be nice! Your hands are so cold!"

"Sorry!" He put her down and released his bear hug. "I'm just excited. You haven't been back in a whole week! Ryoko and I were going to go into Withdrawal!"

Sara laughed. "I'm sure you would have been fine. Where is Ryoko anyways?"

"She's in the bathroom, but before you see her I want to be the one to update you on all the news!"

"What news? I can't imagine much would have happened in a week."

"You'd be surprised." A voice said from behind.

"Ryoko!!" Sara ran to the dark haired girl's side.

"Where do we even start?" Joe exclaimed. "Almost every teacher assigned a test next Friday, and-"

"Hold on, what?!" Sara began to panic.

"Don't worry don't worry! You're super smart so I'm sure you'll do fine!" Joe pat her on the back confidently. "Plus you have perfect 100's in all of your classes, so it shouldn't be too bad even if you flunk."

"W-which you're not going to!" Ryoko added quickly. "Just do your best and I'm sure things will be great. You're smarter than the both of us combined!"

The ginger girl laughed it off, but two weeks of preparation was way too little for so many tests. Her friends knew she was a perfectionist and she appreciated their reassurance. If she got pissed when she couldn't win at arcades, she wondered how she would react if she ever got a zero on an exam.

"Is that all?" She teased. "You were so excited I thought there would be more to hear."

"Oh yeah!" Ryoko put a finger up. "There was news of a new transfer student circling around, but none of my teachers brought it up, so I'm not sure if it's real."

"Oh it definitely is. They're going to be in Sara and I's homeroom. It was kinda funny how the teacher announced it the first day Sara was gone." Joe confirmed.

"And you didn't text me?"

"I figured I would have to bring up the tests and I didn't want to stress you out too much."

Sara grumbled. A heads up on the mass of studying she would have to do would've been nice. A new kid was interesting though.

"Our homeroom, eh?"

"Mhm! They should be here today."


"I gotta go, but make sure to tell me all about them!" Ryoko called as she ran off in the direction of her class. "I wanna meet them if they're nice!"

"I promise I will!" Sara called back.

After Ryoko had left, it was just Sara and Joe left. They walked to Homeroom quickly with anticipation.

The pair all but slammed the door open and scanned the room for an unfamiliar face. Her eyes almost immediate fell upon a circular head of fluffy white hair staring out the window absentmindedly.

Just then the bell rang and all of the students rushed to get in their seats before class began.

Sara couldn't help but stare at the Pomeranian of a student. He was incredibly pale and his eyes were a cold steel gray, not to mention is fluffy hair. She wondered how it was even possible to get it that round. The brightly colored uniform seemed off on his nearly colorless face and he seemed uncomfortable wearing it. Her first guess would be emo kid, but he didn't give off the right vibes. Sara wasn't sure what to make of him.

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