Chapter 8

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Giselle POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a neck. I slightly backed away and saw that it was Ningning. I started to process what happened and looked around. I guess I was knocked out from my sleep I thought. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 9:04. Now I was confused, I usually never wake up this early when I don't have anything to do. Anyways, I got out of bed to get ready for the morning. I texted our group chat (Giselle, Ningning, Winter, Karina) and asked them if we can go to a café for breakfast. A few minutes later Karina texted me an okay and told me to meet them at 9:45. I looked back at Ning to wake her up. I was about to jump on her, but she suddenly woke up.  

"Morning, I was just about to wake you up since we're gonna go to a café to eat breakfast at 9:45." I said.

"Alright," she answered tiredly.

She slowly brought her tired body up and went to the bathroom. A few minutes later she came out looking a lot more awake than before.

"The water was so cold, it woke me up right away," she said with a frown.

I smiled, how can she be so cute while frowning. 10 minutes later she finished changing and we started to head out to the café. It was only 10 minutes away so we walked. The morning breeze was a bit chilly since it's becoming winter soon, gotta bundle up. Thankfully I brought gloves, but Ning on the other hand didn't. 

"Ning, have this." I said handing her my right glove.

She took it confusedly, but still wore it. I took her cold left hand and held it inside my pocket. She looked down a bit and I thought she didn't like it, so I let go of her hand. Right when I did that she took my hand back and shoved it in my pocket. She looked back up again with burning red cheeks. 

"Are you cold?" I said with a teasing tone.

"no" she said in a whisper.

Eventually that short 4 minutes was over and so I opened the café door and welcomed the warm breeze. I saw that Winter and Karina weren't here yet so I went to a table of 4. We sat down next to each other looking at what to eat. A minute later Karina and Winter came to our table. We said hi and started to talk.

"Ningning," Winter said.

Ningning turned her head confusedly right at her.   

"Where'd the other pair of your glove go?" Winter said with a smile.

Ningning widened her eyes and looked down. I didn't know what was going on so I immediately checked her temperature.

"Wait are you okay? Did you catch a cold? Do you wanna go back to the hotel?" I rambled on with questions in a hurry.

"BAHHAHAHAHAH," Winter laughed.

"huh?" I said frowning.

"Don't worry, I just embarrassed her while you and Karina were ordering food."

Oh, well now I felt stupid. 

"What did you say to her?" I asked Winter.

"I think she should say it," Winter said slightly tilting her head to Ning.

I looked at Ning and she handed me my glove. I was confused for a second, but then I got it. I shook my head and smiled. After a few more minutes of talking the food came. It looked so good that I had to take a picture for memories. Along with more pictures of the 4 of us and some solo shots of Ning.

Ningning POV:

I can't believe that I forgot to give the glove back to Giselle. Winter is gonna haunt me forever, maybe even Karina too. Honestly at this point I should just date her... So you finally admit it. I looked over to see where the voice came from, it was Karina. I went in full panic mode.


"It's ok, I won't say it, but I will be giving hints." she said with a smirk.

She left the bathroom and I was left there speechless. I know she won't tell Giselle, but now she has a reason to haunt me. Well that's great I said giving myself a smile to the mirror before leaving. I went out to see Karina smiling at me.

"What took you so long? Was there some trouble with people?" Giselle asked.

I looked over to Karina and saw her smirking at me. I felt my face turn red.

"It was nothing, I was just thinking." I said quickly.

Giselle looked at me for a second and then nodded. We went to go out on a walk since we ate so much food. Karina and Winter now knowing something about me told us that we can split 2 and 2 since they want to go on a 'date'. I looked at them in disbelief and they ran away from us. I looked at Giselle to see her being confused on why they ran away. When she felt the presence of me looking at her she gave me an eyebrow lift to notion 'what?'. I told her it's nothing and we went to somewhere where Giselle was bringing me to.

Hey, volleyball's been making me feel really tired so updates are gonna continue to be slow. Anyways, have a good rest of the week and I will see you in the next chapter.

Stay safe and cool :)

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