Devil's Heart

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Title: Devil's Heart
Rating: K+
Pairing: K/7 (angst on both parts)
Summary: Harry wants to tell Seven how he feels, but doesn't get the chance. A small warning, someone dies. But it all turns out right in the end.
Disclaimer: Paramount owns all characters, ships, and even Neelix's food. The story is mine, and so are the Bitaine. I'm just having fun; no theft of any of their property is intended.

WARNING: Shameless self-plug included in the story.
NOTE: At the end of the story is the poem that inspired this story.


A darkness, a deep longing darkness was all that Harry Kim knew in his dreams. And his awakened state was just as bad. Oh, sure, he got up everyday and went to his position at Ops, but after his shift he'd go to the mess hall. And not even Tom or B'Elanna's friendly banter could shine any light into that hole.

"Harry...Harry...HARRY!" The call, repeated many times, woke him form his stupor. He looked up to see Tom and B'Elanna standing by his table. He had been looking out the window at the stars and hadn't heard her call him.

"Hey Buddy, what's up?" Tom asked as he and B'Elanna set their trays on the table, and sat down.

"Oh, nothing. I was just watching the stars go by." Harry, still not entirely there, answered.

"Uh-huh" was all that B'Elanna said. "C'mon Harry. Tell your old buddy Tom what's wrong." Tom said in his most sincere and motherly voice.

"I can't, Tom, you wouldn't understand." Harry said rather sullenly.

"Oh, I wouldn't understand? Ok, I understand you don't feel up to talking yet." Tom said with a slight emphasis on yet. This wasn't lost on Harry, who managed to return a weak smile.

"There" said Tom, "There's our old Harry, back to himself again."

Harry just smiled at his two friends, not feeling back to himself, despite what Tom said.

Harry looked at the chronometer in the mess hall. 5 minutes till his shift.

"I have to go; I've got bridge duty in 5 min. I'll see you two later." Harry said as he got up from the table and took his tray and half-eaten lunch to the kitchen and the waiting Neelix.


On the bridge, he waited for his shift to end. When it came he was glad for another dull day at Ops In fact the only thing that put any life into the bridge crew today was the discovery of a nebula that contained elements Voyager could use.

He met Tom and B'Elanna in the mess hall for dinner, they had the day off. As they sat watching to see if Neelix's latest 'creation' would move on its own, they discussed the day's events.

"So! Anything happen on the bridge today?"

"Nope" Said Harry, "nothing more than a nebula that has some of the elements that Voyager needs, within 5 light years and us on a course straight to it. Aside from that, nothing happened on the bridge at all." Harry said with a hidden smile "How about you guys. Anything happen at all?" Harry grinned conspiratorially at his friends, somewhat back to his old self, but not totally.

"Oh, nothing much." Tom said blandly, too blandly. "Went to the holodeck for awhile. Then spent some time in our quarters." Harry chuckled at this revelation.

He then noticed that he was done eating, and making his good-byes he let the mess hall.

He left, not going anywhere in particular, but he ended up in hydroponics nonetheless. He took this time to sit and reflect on his relationship with Seven. Seven, Seven, beautiful Seven. She was the cause of his troubles. He knew he could never tell her he loved her. How would she take it? Laugh at him? Pity him? Accept him? There were just too many responses to think of. After sitting for half an hour among the flowers and other plants, he made up his mind to tell Seven how he felt. He would just have to accept her answer as final. If she rejected him, he had hopes of remaining her friend. He hoped.

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