Chapter seven

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Hello everyone! This chapter was kind of last minute, because I didn't have time to write it last night, and today I went to buy the last things I needed for my birthday, which is tomorrow! 😌 I really want to at least write a tiny chapter for tomorrow still, since I probably won't post on Friday, because of my birthday party, so stay tuned, cause I'm going to try and post another chapter ❤️
Thank you all for your support and for your comments!

Hello everyone! This chapter was kind of last minute, because I didn't have time to write it last night, and today I went to buy the last things I needed for my birthday, which is tomorrow! 😌 I really want to at least write a tiny chapter for tom...

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That night you didn't have trouble sleeping, perhaps it was because of you being more tired than expected, or maybe, just maybe, it was because Cruellas bittersweet perfume still lingered in on your personal space.

You had a feeling that things would get better, obviously, there are a lot of things that were still unsaid between the two of you, but for now, it really didn't matter. For now, it was enough.

Your morning had passed rather quietly, and quickly. Everyone was running from and to the warehouse, because of the preparations for the fashion show. You were at your table making sure everything was in order, checking the number of outfits and all the like. Horace and Jasper, were around today too, helping with anything that was needed.

Cruella was at her table working. Artie went out to do something they were discussing earlier today. Whatever you did, your eyes would be drawn to her form every single time. You knew that Cruella saw this because, every time you found your eyes were on her she had a smirk on her face, even though she wasn't looking at you, but rather at the task she was handling. Either way, anytime she would stand up your eyes would follow her, she seemed drawn to you just the same way you were drawn to her because, every time she would glance in your direction, you would just flash her a small smile to which she would return.

You found these interactions much better than the previous ones you had had, and it was nice that at least you both could get along. You could get used to this. The smiles and glances you both threw at each other, it felt familiar and comforting.

Your day was spent like this, working, sparing glances at Cruella, and watching her work, that is until she left. She went to work for the baroness you presumed, you were still unable to think about Cruella working for the woman who killed her own mother, you wouldn't be able to do it, you would lash out and confront her the first time you had set eyes upon the baroness. But Cruella was smart, a lot smarter than you and than everyone else. You were sure that the need for revenge was what made her delve into the idea of bringing the baroness and all the things she loved fall to rock bottom. And that was why she was smart, Cruella wanted the baroness to feel the same way she felt as a child, to make her lose what she deemed was the most important thing to her, and to the baroness, well that was her business.

You had to admit that you were starting to admire Cruella more and more with everything new you found out about her.
The rest of the day passed quickly, you agreed to leave with Artie so that the both of you could catch up a bit since you weren't really able to do it the last couple of days.

Cruella had arrived a few moments ago, you saw her on the elevator, and you had to admit you were kind of sad that she didn't even stop to talk to you, or even Artie.
You were sitting at your table talking to Artie, who was packing up some things for the both of you to take with you back to his shop, when Horace and Jasper got out of the elevator, all dressed in black and with a beanie on their heads. You stared at them, confusion noticeable on your face, stopping mid-sentence.

"What the ..?" That was the only thing you said while looking at them from top to bottom. Artie looked up and seemed just as confused as you.

Horace and Jasper who seemed to get what you were both so incredulous about, started nodding their heads, while Jasper said, "Cruella wants us to break into the House of Baroness and pretend we are going to steal her signature piece of the Spring Collection event."

"Ohhh," you and Artie said in unison. That made sense. Once again, brilliant idea. Jasper looked kind of annoyed, perhaps it was your impression, but it didn't hurt to ask.

You walked towards him, while Artie and Horace were both chatting. You pulled Jasper to the side, not wanting anyone to eavesdrop on your conversation. Jasper looked at you with a questioning gaze.

"Is something the matter?" You asked, looking up at Jasper concerned.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused. Looking at you with one eyebrow arched.

"You look kind of annoyed. Did something happen?" You tried asking once again, perhaps you really were imagining things.

"Oh, I just had a chat with Cruella, let's just say it didn't go that well." Jasper said. Oh wow, ok, maybe she was in a mood, probably something that happened at the House of Baroness, you knew something was off, you had found it rather odd of her not to even stop and talk to Artie when she had arrived.

"Was it because I told her that I knew the baroness killed her mother?" The realization that you still hadn't told Jasper about your conversation with Cruella got to you. Was she still mad at Jasper even after you told her he didn't do anything wrong? It couldn't be, could it?

"No, don't worry, it wasn't about that." Jasper said. Relief washed over you.

"You know that if you want to talk, I'm always here, right?" You said while gently touching his shoulder and giving him a weak smile. You really liked Jasper, he was a good friend, and you were happy you got to know each other in such a short period of time.

Jasper let his head fall and gave you a small smile while touching the hand you had on his shoulder, it was a friendly gesture, and you were always ready to help and listen, whenever someone needed to get something off their chests, you were happy to play the part. Jasper said, "Thank you."

The moment was broken when you heard an angry voice coming from upstairs saying "Y/n get up here, now."

You looked up towards the big hole that was on the ceiling, that divided the second and third floor of the building, and there you saw Cruella standing with her arms crossed in front of her, she gave you a look of "don'tmakemeaskyoutwice" and walked away.

You looked up at Jasper and grimaced, not ready for what was about to happen. He wished you good luck, which you knew you were going to need since the lack of the word "darling" in her sentence was noticeable, and that's how you knew you were in trouble.

Word Count: 1.09k

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