Laws are meant to be bent,

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(Yanfei's pov)

W-what? So all those comments were-

'Hu Tao, this restraining order isn't something to take lightly,'
"I know, I know..."

She sat on the desk right infront of me, with her legs crossed, and sighed.

"It's just, the little kid should die... isn't she like 1000 years old or something? But that wasn't the main reason I kept persisting."

I stayed silent, this could just be a ruse to guilt me into bending the law once again for her...

"Afterall, these visits brought, no joke intended, life to this place."
'...I have to go.'

I stood up, only to get pushed back into my chair by Hu Tao, as she gave me a note and left the room. The note read: "call me, and we'll continue this convo, (numbers here)"
...Goddammit Hu Tao...

I left the Parlour and went to get some tofu from the Wanim Restaurant, I needed it, while I was there, I ran into Xiangling.

"Hi Yanfei! Enjoying the tofu?"
'Yeah... its nice.'

Unfortunatly, Xiangling knew me long enough to know something was up, as she sat down next to me and asked me.

"Yanfei.... what's the matter?"
'Just, work. Baizhu gave Hu Tao a restraining order finally, but don't tell anyone that. I told Hu Tao I'd keep it secret.'
"You two should get a room already..."

She sighed and chuckled at her own comment, as I debated telling her about the note, she was my closest friend afterall...

'Hey, Xiangling?'
'While I was there, she kept saying how when I visited her, it brought life to the place and that she persistently went after Qiqi just so I would visit her...'

Xiangling's face immediately lit up, as she giggled like a fangirl.

"Shut. Up."
'I'm serious!-'
"She totally likes you!
'I mean, she gave me her number so...'

She shouted that so loud that I bet all of Liyue Harbour heard it, I couldn't help but laugh.

"You need to get out of here now, and text her or something!"

She was practically pushing me out of the restaurant before I nodded, and walked the rest.

'Okay but what should I say- Im not very..  Good at this stuff-'
"Neither am I! So just wing it! What's the worst that could happen?"

Xiangling was then called back into the restaurant,

"Oop- gotta go! Good luck!"

I waved goodbye and went back into my teapot, and entered the house.
Madam Ping was fast asleep on the chair with Lawrence asleep on her lap. I quietly went to my room and changed into what I had on before I was called to Baizhu, and lay in bed. I couldn't sleep, so at like... 2:30am I got my phone and decided to text her.
God what am i doing..
I texted a simple "Hey." Which I then instantly regretted. But i didn't know how to delete it.
A few moments later, She messaged back with: "knew i could break your serious facade. ;)"

'I couldn't sleep, okay. I want to talk about what you meant earlier today whenever you have time.'
"well how aboooooout breakfast at the parlour, around 10-ish eh? <3"

Is this how she always texts? A small part of me couldn't help but find it cute.... no, you can't, this is the woman who has made you spent sleepless nights on kidnapping cases.. remember that. I texted back:

'That's absolutely fine, I shall see you there.'
"See u there, x"

God... I couldn't help but smile after that text, and with that I put my phone on the nearby desk and slept.

Yanfei x Hu Tao (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now