Chapter 1

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Infinite looked up from his tablet. Gadget had basically kicked the door open and flopped dramatically onto Infinite's bed. "I want cuddles!" Gadget exclaimed. Infinite sighed. "C'mere." Infinite responded, setting his tablet down. Gadget rolled over him and rolled onto Infinite's lap. "How did I end up with someone so cute?" Infinite asked himself out loud. "You we're lucky." Gadget responded, smiling up at the Jackal. Infinite smiled. "Anyways, Knuckles said lunch was ready. You coming down?" Gadget asked, while poking Infinite's nose. "Yeah, just gimme a few minutes." "Alrighty!" Gadget stood up and walked out. Infinite picked up his tablet again, and looked at the file he made. It was labeled, "research", as he'd been trying to find his adopted younger sibling for years now. Eggman had separated them from each other. She was another Jackal, a side stripped one to be in fact. He could never remember her age, or even her name. She had been an energetic little ball of fluff. She was light gray, with a white stripe from her elbow to her hip on either side of her body, and black side stripes. She had helped him get through many problems, and was adopted by her parents due to hers dying in an attack from Eggman. He remembered her crying when he said he had to leave, and when he returned to the house to find her, his parents were dead and she was missing. He had found a ton of leftover foods missing, and her handmade mask was gone, along with her gloves and boots. All that was left was some of her drawings, and he had noticed the family photo had a second copy of it in the frame. He sighed, and shut his tablet off, setting it down and heading to the cafeteria. 

Gadget had saved a spot for him. Knuckles, Sonic, Silver, Vector, Espio, Amy, and Rouge were all there as well. Infinite settled beside Gadget. He was calmly eating when he choked on his water hearing something.

"We found a signal of some unknown life form in the forest." Knuckles reported, taking a quick sip of water.

"Want us to check it out?" Sonic asked, motioning to Silver and himself.

"Tomorrow, and take Infinite with you." Knuckles responded. 

"Wait, what." Infinite said, managing to stop choking. 

"You're going with Sonic and Silver tomorrow." Knuckles explained, "You'll be checking out the life form we found." Knuckles finished before finishing his water. Infinite nodded and finished his food, a thought lingering. 

"Could it be her?"

(A brand new story! I honestly th\ought at first: "this is gonna suck." But then I wrote, and now I'm proud! I'm gonna write as many chapters as I can think of tonight and POST THEM. ENJOY YOU'RE DAY! Remember; Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!)

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