trademark37 - style, faces and general advice

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Hello again kids!

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Hello again kids!

So... trademark37 asked me for advice on faces, style and other stuff I'd find in his art. Not a real big lot to say here, but we'll get to all the other art-related stuff in a sec, before I just want to talk  a tiny bit about artstyles ^-^

Now. After he asked me to give him some advice when it comes to style... i just.... no.
There is no such thing as advice on styles. The only thing one could critique is the fundamentals of art and drawing, you know? And anything one were to say about a persons style, would never be advice, but just a personal opinion.

My personal opinion on your style would be:
Dang that's some pretty shit right there.

So there you go in terms of style!

Let's move on to the next point then: faces.

The proportions you've got nailed, as well as the frontal perspective. Maybe the area between chin and mouth is a bit small in some pieces, but most of the time they're great!

Your weaknesses come along at the angles though. The 3/4 you've got down perfectly at times, but sometimes you an still see some mistakes that just don't work right, you know?

The main issue I see here are the eyes, and sometimes the nose.

Prime example would be your profile drawings. Similar issues are in the other angles as well, but here you can see it the most extreme >w<

So I chose your 5 minute drawing since WE FINALLY HAVE SOMETHING DIFFERENT (gonna get back to that later on haha)

Now, it looks great! The face, the proportions, the eye, all good. Hair and Ear were visibly rushed, because of the time limit, but you're good at those, so ima focus on the important stuff.

 Hair and Ear were visibly rushed, because of the time limit, but you're good at those, so ima focus on the important stuff

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Now... whilst everything does indeed look good, it doesn't fit together from the perspective. That eye looks absolutely amazing, but it's not an eye from the profile view. Thus the eyebrow is too long and everything looks a bit odd.

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