Chapter Twenty

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"Harry!" I hear Eleanor shout when i walk through Louis' front door. She runs up to me and flings herself on me. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, El," I chuckle, hugging her back.

"Oh my god are those your famous cookies?" Eleanor asks, refering to the container I was holding.

"Yeah, want some?" I ask and she nods, taking it off me and beginning to open it.

"Hi Harry" someone says and it startles me, but then i realise its just Lottie.

"Hi Lottie," I smile politely at her.

"We didnt really meet... properly last time." She chuckles awkwardly. "But hey its fine, we can get to knoe each other today."

And i love making new friends so of course that made me happy.

"Of course." I smile warmly, before Louia pulls me right to his side almost protectively, and im confused as to why.

My questions answered when he leans into my ear and speaks.

"Theyre gonna be all couple-y. It's so gross." He says. "Its all they ever do when theyre together."

I roll my eyes and laugh loudly, earning a look from Eleanor and Lottie.

Lottie smirks almost knowingly, then drags everyone into the living room.

"We're talking." Eleanor says. "All of us. We need to talk about this."

And its kind of been something ive been dreading. Im about protest but Eleanor cuts me off.

"I just dont want to argue anymore H, and keeping secrets isn't the way to go. Plus, Lottie and i are curious so.."

I glance at Louis and he gives me a look as if to say 'leave it to me.'

Louis wraps his arms around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him on the couch so that we're basically cuddling, and Lottie makes an 'aww' sound.

"We're not dating," Louis tells them and their smiles drop. "We're just.. i don't even know what we're doing at this point. It is what it is."

"Well as long as your not using him." Eleanor says and i rub my temples in annoyance.

"El its fine. Okay? You don't have to worry about Louis and I. You have your own relationship to deal with and you dont want Louis and ours to get in the way." I say and she sighs.

"I know i just worry for you sometimes. No offence, Louis,by the way."

"Hey i get it. You don't want me to hurt his feelings, I'd be the same with my mates. I won't do anything to intentionally hurt him, okay? Its fine. He's sixteen now, hes old enough to make his own decisions."

And i secretly love Louis for saying that because nobody ever tells me I'm old enough to make my own decisions. They think im too young and naive to know what i want, but im not dumb. I know exactly what i want in life.

Or at least i did until i met Louis, i have no idea what i want now. He's completely taken up my mind and its all i can think about.

Eleanor just nods in defeat and plops down on the couch next to Lottie, who sub- consciously slides her arm around Eleanors waist. Its quite cute, the relationship they have. I really hope they stay together because i think Lottie is good for her.

They turn on Netflix and after alot of arguing of what movie they were gunna watch, Louis snatches the remote out of his sisters hands and goes to pick something himself.

"Wanna watch Glee?" Louis whispers to me and i nod my head. He puts it on, ignoring the complaints from Lottie about how this show is 'gay' even though she herself is gay.

We lass around the cookies and eat while we watch. I love this show so much, ive seen it three times already. All six seasons.

"Who's your favouirte ship?" Eleanor asks, biting into another cookie. "I like Brittany and Santana." She says and Lottie nods her head in agreement.

"No way, its definitely Kurt and Blaine." Louis says, rolling his eyes. I agree with him though.

"Whos Blaine?" Lottie asks confused and we all laugh. Shes the only one who hasnt seen it.

"He comes in season two idiot. He and Kurt are made for each other, just watch." Louis tells his sister.

"You've watched this before?" She muses.

"Oh please everyone enjoys a little show choir now and then." Louis says. "Some more than others. In my case I had a fanpage dedicated to Klaine when i was fifteen."

"You didnt," i say in disbelief, turning to him. "You,Louis Tomlinson, owned a Glee fanpage?"

Lottie starts laughing loudly and Louis just flips her off.

"Shut up Lottie, just wait. You'll probably start one too." He snaps and then everyone goes back to watching the TV.

Halfway through episode two is when Louis pulls me onto his lap, claiming it'd be fine because the girls were too invested in the show. He pulled a blanket over the both of us and cuddled me in his arms and we stayed like that. It felt nice.

Halfway through episode three i get a text, and i check my phone to see it's Liam.

[Lee]: Hey H, I'm at home. Maya and I kind of broke up and Nialls mad at me so yeah. Just thought I'd let you know. Where abouts are you?

Of course he's only talking to me now that his girlfriend broke up with him and Nialls pissed at him. I wonder what happened between the three of them.

[Me]: Just at a friends house, Li. I'll be home soon to comfort you and pretend like you haven't been ignoring me this entire week.

I know i was being cruel but he can't just expect me to forgive him for ghosting me like that. The way i see it, he shoukd be happy im even coming home to comfort him at all.

[Lee]: Im sorry. Really.

I roll my eyes at his texts and send a thumbs up emoji. Maybe i was being a bit too dry but whatever.

"You have to go home?" Louis frowns, wrapping his arms around my waists and pulling me right up onto his lap.

"Yeah. Liam and his girlfriend broke up. Not just that, but his best friend- who by the way, was my best friend first, Liam just stole him off of me, is pissed at him for some reason and i think i should go talk to him." I sigh, wrapping my arms around his neck so we're just facing each other.

Louis makes cute puppy dog eyes and i laugh, which attracts the attention of El and Lottie. They don't even question the position we're sitting in, thankfully.

"You're going home?" Eleanor asks sadly, taking a bite of another cookie. "But we just became besties again."

"Sorry El. Liam and Maya broke up, and Nialls pissed at Liam for some reason." I explain and her eyes widen.

"Oh my god they did?" Eleanor gasps. "Maya was so sweet and they were going so well! What happened?"

"I have no idea. I'm gunna have to go find out, i guess." I say, sliding off Louis and gathering my stuff. I leave the cookies there for Lottie and Eleanor which they thank me for, and then Louis and i go back out to the car. Again.

"Well there goes our hang out time," i say defeatedly, climbing into the passengers seat.

"Its okay. We'll make up for it. I promise."

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