Friend in Unexpected Places

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Just know this chapter is being written in the process of well processing the Loki finale...

Bucky helped me hang up my new things in my closet he told me to sit on the bed which as usual I did not appreciate feeling useless but he insisted.

I listened to the squeak of the hangers against the rail and the sound of him rummaging. Also there was a strange clicking noise that I couldn't distinguish what it was.

After sitting there for a while I realised he had been taking a while to put them away "I don't believe we bought that much did we?" I asked.

"One second...ok done, come here I want to show you something"

I stood up and felt him hand wrap around mine and he lifted it up into the closet and my hand grazed against the clothes and I felt him move my hand to the wooden hanger.

He guided my fingertips to the centre of the hanger and I froze as I felt the familiar bumps of Braille on the hanger, this one read 'light green'.

I immediately grazed my fingers over all the hangers, light blue, pink, yellow, white.

"Bucky...I don't know...what to say..."

He took my hand again and he guided me to the edge of a shelf "This is where your shoes are the colours on the bottom of each shelf,"

I beamed as I felt the words under my fingertips naming each colour "Bucky thank you, this is amazing,"

"I did it for your makeup containers too to help you out a bit,"

I stared in the direction of his voice and reached out and felt my fingers come into contact with the stubble of his beard on his cheek.

"Oh I apologise I didn't intend to-"

"It's okay,"

I let my fingers linger on his cheek and felt the rush of his emotions flow through me and with that I just learnt to tell a lot from a person by the texture of their skin.

"You seem exhausted," I murmured.

I felt him let out a breath against my fingertips "Yeah you could say that,"

I let my hand drop and wrapped my hands round his gloved hand and pulled it off feeling that cool metal and I felt him tense.

"You don't have to be in pain forever, you just need to let yourself be set free,"

There was a pause and I felt him slowly pull his hand out of my grip.

"Well um...I'll leave you to do whatever, if you need anything I'll be next door..." I heard his footsteps leave the room and I stood there processing what had just occurred.

I paced to the corner of the room and felt the table and chair that resided there and sat down feeling my way round the products on the table.

I felt the small smile creep on my face as I felt the braille that Bucky said he had placed on each item.

I started feeling my way round applying each thing feeling me create my face, every curve and contour was being formed and the canvas was being painted.

I finished applying and realised I didn't have anyone to ask to check for my inevitable mistakes.

As I thought that to myself I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I announced.

I heard the sound of two sets of footsteps walk in.

"Hi there, we just wanted to come and meet you,"

This was the first female voice I had heard since arriving and it caught me off guard.

"Hello, I'm Lofn it's nice to meet you,"

I interlocked my fingers on my lap feeling a bit tense with the idea of unknown people surrounding me.

"I'm Nat, this is Wanda," the voice said.

Another voice with a foreign accent followed "It's good to meet you Lofn,"

I smiled feeling a small wave of relief that the voices had names.

"Did you apply all that yourself?" Nat asked.

I slowly nodded "Yes I learned to do it myself I can't tell if I made any mistakes without anyone checking,"

I heard footsteps come closer "Nearly perfect, you just went a bit off course with your eyeliner on your left eye, did you want me to sort it?" Nat asked.

I nodded "Yes please,"

I heard Nat fumbling around the table and I felt her gently wipe near my eye "There you go perfect, you know you can always ask Friday for help if you need it," Nat said.

"Who's Friday?" I asked.

"That would be me Miss Lofn,"

I jumped slightly at the new voice entering the room.

Wanda laughed "It's alright, Friday is Starks interface she runs everything, think of it like you summoned a genie to help you out,"

I shook my head "I've met some Genies they're not as pleasant as you'd think,"

Nat and Wanda laughed and I placed my spectacles over my eyes "Hey why you covering your beautiful makeup?" Nat exclaimed.

I sighed "I may be blind but I feel the stares when people see my eyes it makes me somewhat uncomfortable, I like to pretend I can see to some extent,"

"It's understandable I suppose, but Natasha is right you look beautiful it's a shame to cover it up," Wanda murmured.

I hummed and looked down at the floor.

"This may sound weird but can I style your hair, Wanda never lets me touch hers and you have beautiful long brown hair," Nat asked.

"That's because I don't-hold on what did you say?" Wanda exclaimed.

I furrowed my brow confused.

"I said she had beautiful bro-oh shit," Nat hissed.

"Oh my god you can see colour! Since when!" Wanda shouted.

Nat groaned "A very long time it's not a big deal,"

I chuckled and smiled "Who's the lucky gentleman then?"

"No one I'm not saying anything, let me just braid your hair and let's be done with it," Nat grumbled moving my hair out my face.

I giggled and heard Wanda echo my giggle.

I felt Nat's fingers carefully work through my hair and felt the sparks of embarrassment radiating off her skin.

"So Earth must be quite intimidating in comparison to Asgard," Wanda stated.

I hummed "Well obviously I can't see the differences and Thor did try his best to explain the differences, I just try and think of it as stepping into another room so I don't get overwhelmed I suppose,"

Nat hummed "So Thor huh, you two ever got together or?"

"Oh good heavens no, I see him as a brother and I can barely stand him as that, I would never consider him as a partner,"

Nat laughed "Oh we get that hun, he might be handsome but he says things and then the magic is gone,"

I laughed and felt my heart warm from this friendly interaction we were having. Other than Miella I didn't have anyone to have friendly conversations like this with.

"So is there a special man or lady?" Wanda asked.

I felt my stomach drop and chewed the inside of my lip "Well not necessarily, not anymore,"

There was an awkward silence hanging in the air and I felt Nat's hands release my hair "All done, you look stunning,"

I felt behind my head to the long braid and smiled "Thank you it feels very well done,"

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