Batman VS Superman- A Misunderstood Masterpiece

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As an enthusiastic DC fan, I love most of what is put on screen, but not everything. Every movie has an audience and I feel comfortable with certain kinds of movies. Before I get started, I just want to say; everyone has their opinions. So, if you don’t agree with me, that’s totally fine. But I encourage you to read this essay through. Maybe I can provide you with an interesting perspective. 

The Beginning:
I guess most things start here, so let’s see what I thought of BVS when it first dropped.
When BVS first hit the big screen, I was excited. I had grown up watching Christian Bale’s Batman, and having thoroughly enjoyed that character, I was curious to see Snyder’s interpretation on him. Having already seen MOS, I knew the tone and atmosphere Snyder liked to use in his films. So when I first watched BVS, the dark tone felt normal to me and it suited the movie. It might seem surprising to most of you, but when I first saw BVS, I didn’t like everything about it. It was an ok movie. Good action and fine dialogue.
The main things I disliked at the time were Superman’s character and Lex Luthor’s character. But as I watched the movie more, I learned to love the iterations of these characters.

Snyder’s Superman:
We were first introduced to Henry Cavill’s Superman in MOS, and at the time I loved this iteration. Henry really portrayed the character well, matching Superman’s ferocity, humbleness, emotion; everything. For many people at the time, MOS was a very controversial film. Some people stated that Superman doesn’t kill and Henry’s version was too moody and gloomy. Others however rallied behind Cavill and praised his performance. I fell in the latter half, praising Snyder for his incredible work.
According to me, not many people understand Cavill’s
Superman. I’ve seen hundreds of comments stating his version was “emotionless”. Some people even say “He isn’t hopeful and doesn’t spread hope”.

I partly agree with these opinions. Let’s address them one by one:

1.          I don’t agree with the opinion that Cavill’s Superman was “emotionless”. That was the one thing he wasn’t. Superman in MOS and BVS was a very emotional person. He wasn’t perfect and made mistakes. He lacked certain things that we wouldn’t expect from Superman. When we think of Superman, we think of a perfect man. A shining ray of hope. But Cavill’s Superman is not that.

2.          I agree that Cavill’s Superman wasn’t very hopeful in MOS and BVS. But he wasn’t meant to be. Hear me out. After he donned the cape in MOS, a world threatening invasion occurred. Zod and his crew found him and declared war, essentially. This iteration of Superman is a young one. He hasn’t learned what it’s like to be “Superman” yet. He’s just a kid from Kansas, trying to do the right thing. He isn’t a “Hero” in MOS. He is just a normal guy, who just discovered that the weight of the world is on his shoulders. That’s a big thing to learn, even for an alien who has super-human powers. This version of Superman has just begun experiencing danger and conflict. Snyder’s Superman will evolve and grow into the Superman we all know and love.
At the end of BVS, that’s when this Superman becomes a hero. When he looks at Lois and realises, she is his world. He takes up the spear and saves the Earth, even though they despise him. That’s what a hero does. A hero is ready to die for his people, whatever the cost.

Snyder’s Batman:
Ben Affleck’s Batman was an interesting character in BVS. When I first saw him on screen, I was confused. Why was he mowing down thugs? Wait, Batman kills now? Questions flooded my mind and at first, I felt like rejecting this version of the character.
Coming from The Dark Knight Trilogy, it was drilled into my head. Batman does not kill. He does not kill. That’s his “One” code.
But then, I revisited BVS and studied Batman’s character carefully. Batman in BVS isn’t the symbol of hope like in The Dark Knight Trilogy. Instead this story revolves around a broken Batman. A Batman that has lost his way.
In the opening lines of the movie, Bruce is addressing his fall from grace. He says:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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