Chapter 3 - Jasmine

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It's been a few weeks since that encounter with that tall man...what was his name again? Anyway, I still can't stop thinking about him. His sky-blue eyes keep staring into my soul every time I try to sleep. The worst part? All of my dreams have been about this couple. Minju and Ally. They keep running away from Ally's brother and his friends. I haven't understood the point of these dreams yet. It has to have some meaning. The day June 25, 1952 keeps appearing everywhere, almost like it's important. What happened that day?

Luckily, thanks to that man, I was able to finish my novel on my 'vacation' to Miami. The publishing company has been editing it for the last two days, so the finished book won't be distributed for another five days. On the bright side, they won't be giving me a new project until the holiday season in December. Thank god. I need a break from writing once in a while. Maybe I'll have time now to decipher these weird dreams. After returning home to Cherry Hill, New Jersey yesterday, I haven't had much time to have fun or go shopping. All I did was unpack and try to not think about my recent dreams. So, today I am heading to the mall. It's about time that I get some new clothes anyway, my style is not exactly trendy anymore.

Turning on my Audi A7 red car, music fills my ears from the radio. Station after station, I eventually find Star 92.1, a popular channel for those who love modern pop songs. As I pull out of my driveway, my voice belts out the words to good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo. You might have thought a twenty-three-year-old woman like me would have experienced a few heartbreaks in order to properly sing Olivia's song, but nope! I have never had a significant other, not even in high school. I spent too much time on academics and work.

The parking lot of the mall is not too crowded when I arrive; however, I still have to park near the back of the lot. That just means more walking, which I guess is good for me. Stepping into the mall entrance, the sound of people fills my ears. I am not exactly a people person, but I do enjoy seeing others when I'm shopping. It makes me feel less lonely and more comfortable looking for clothes. To my right, I spot an Urban Outfitters store and instantly head to their shirt section. Pink crop tops, t-shirts with cute flowers, tank tops with strawberries on them, and more are showcased on hangers in the shop. They're all beautiful. But, for some reason, the hoodie section is calling my name today. I don't want just any hoodie though, an oversized, men's large hoodie.

Heading over to the men's section, I notice another woman around my age looking at the hoodies. I decide to stand next to her, after all, I do enjoy making friends with women who love oversized hoodies. Plus, I need new friends, I haven't had a close friend in a while. People tend to just drift away and they end up getting different companions. Hence, this is my chance to finally have a close friend, especially since I'll have so much time on my hands before December. "Getting a hoodie for your boyfriend?" I ask, trying to strike up a conversation.

She laughs, shaking her head. "God no. Oversized hoodies are my thing. Men's hoodies are always large so I tend to just get them instead of the women's sized hoodies," she explains, looking through the set of blue hoodies with a large print of wolf claws on it.

"Totally get that. I do the same. I'm Jasmine Gold," I introduce myself, putting my hand out to shake hers. She firmly shakes my hand and grins.

"I'm Rose Thomas. Your name sounds familiar," she notes.

"You might have seen my books on Amazon or in a book store then. I've written two. Both are pretty popular among young adults," I boast, attempting to keep my humility. Rose widens her eyes and her mouth gapes open.

"Yes, yes! You wrote that book...oh what was it called? True Lovers in Time? It was a beautiful story," she exclaims. We continue to talk, from writing and books to current living situations. I learn she works for a movie production company as a marketing manager, she had to work in Atlanta a few weeks ago, and the new movie they are working on is called Avoid the Moonlight. Discussing our lives reminds me how much I enjoy having someone to talk to.

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