Chapter 7 - Warn you already

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Harry sent me over 50 texts... Why? "Hey, i heard you found a job." Stalker.. Oh right i forgot all the boys have my aunts number.

"Jessica we need to talk."

"Can i meet you at your work?"

"Or maybe you can come over to our flat afterwards?"

.... Etc.

After the 7th text i started to get sleepier and sleepier. Bam, i fell asleep.

I woke up super early so i wouldn't be late to work. I know its weird to be excited for work but ITS MY FIRST JOB!! I put on my work uniform and aunt May was already waiting for me in the car. I guess i should reply to Harry. "Um sure, pick me up after my work 6pm?"

"Okay see you then xx" wow he replies fast.

Here it is my first day of work. I've always loves Nandos. Have to say its my favorite restaurant. I walked into the restaurant and was greeted by a lot of people. " wow" I thought to myself " there's very nice people here, I think I'm gonna be happy here. " the store manger mike then came up to me and welcomed me to the restaurant. I was going to be the cashier, yay meeting people everyday.

After a long day of work, My shift was finally done. It was a couple of minutes before 6 and I just want to go home and sleep. Before I went to get my stuff from the break room, I had to help the last customer that walked in. He looked kinda scary but whatever "Hi, welcome to Nando's. What can I get you today. " a husky voice then replied "I can here for you" I was quite shocked when he said that "sorry, what?? Do I even know you?"


I really wanted to tell Jess that I liked her but I don't know. She ignored me for quite sometime last night, maybe she was annoyed of me. I had to think of a way to make her like me more, as a fun person. I walked into the store and hear jess's lovely voice. " Hi, welcome to Nando's. What can I get you today?" oh lord. That voice, I would order food there all the time just to hear her voice. Time to get the fun on. "I can hear for you" I replied trying to sound scary. "sorry, what?? Do I even know you?" Hahaha this is pretty funny to me but I soon have in, I had more to the plan but I just gave up. "Hey Jess" I said removing my hood, revealing my face. "SERIOUSLY HARRY??? I thought you were going either kill me or rob us. " "oh my god" I said between laughers "I just had too" laugh " you should have seen your face". I could see from Jess's face, that she was kinda smiling too. "come on, let go" I said hold my hand out for her.

Jessica POV

I was about to pee in my pants, when I thought nandos was going to get robbed. Then it was harry. God he got me good, I'm going to get him back. He won't even see it coming cause I'm a ninja.

"Where we going?"

"It's a surprise." He says with a smile on face.

"Um... This isn't like a date or anything is it?" I seriously don't need to be in a relationship right now. Not after what happened with Justin god just saying his name makes me want to punch a wall.

"Well I said hang out, if you want it to be date sure. Think what ever you like Jess."

"So how was your day?" I'm trying to change the subject, talking about me is just uncomfortable.

"Pretty good, ran some errands. Some guy from Starbucks tried to flirt me "

I bursted out laughing. Ew I sound like a witch.

"Tell me the Story from the beginning."

"Well I got into Starbucks and ordered a regular coffee. The guy I think his name was Fred. He was like "what gorgeous eyes you have"while handing my coffee to me. I went to put creme and sugar, then I saw a number scribbled on my cup. I turned around he mouthed "call me".

Hahaha, I was practically crying. This was super funny.

Harry POV

"We're here!"

"Where are we? Oh my god, we are on Times Square!!!" She's like jumping up and down like a little girl. I smiled as I saw this. Once she noticed she blushed,god she looked so cute.

"So um what are we going to do?" I swear she has a voice of an angel.

re we going to do?" I swear she has a voice of an angel.

re we going to do?" I swear she has a voice of an angel.

"Oh, you'll see," i said with a smirk.

"oOoooh adventure eh?!!" She said in a very excited happy mood.

As we walked along the sidewalk i saw a diner called "Bob's £1 Pound Fish" (omg sorry Lorrica, i had too :-) Hey lets go in, I said as I opened

the door for Jess. "I think i'll have the £1 pound fish special, you?" "Same i guess.." We ordered our foods and sat down waiting for our food... "Hey jess." "Hiya" "wanna do some shopping afterwards, then back to the flat?" "Sounds like a plan." We ate quickly and very messy as a pig. Food was everywhere and there was some fans outside taking pictures. Oh great, next hour its going to be all over twitter trending #HarryIsAFatarseEating£1PoundfishwithHisGF

. Oh joy..... "Hey harry you alright??" Jess said as she cleaned up the table. "Im good haha" "Can we stop and take some pictures with the fans? Im sure they all adore you" "Sure.... I guess.." I could tell she was nervous.... Because last time she ended up in the hospital because of them. "I promise, i won't let anything happen to you" she smiled weakly, as we opened the door. "Hi guys, this is Jessica i'm sure you guys already know." They all replied in a cheering peppy "Hi harry!!" I asked a few fans if they wanted a picture or autograph and I look over at Jessica. Wow she looks like shes enjoying it, I think all these fans are hers. We finished up meeting and greeting everyone and it was getting pretty late, we decided to drop jess off and i head over to the flat.

Niall POV

Where the heck is harry? It's 10, he said was going be home 2 hours ago. To make time pass faster I decided to check twitter. Then I saw the trend #HarryIsAFatarseEating£1PoundfishwithHisGF. Wtf his gf? Harry has a gf? When did this happen? I clicked on the picture it was harry and Jessica. HARRY & JESSICA!!! THEY HAD A DATE?!?!?! gosh, Harry he just can't back off can He ? Why can't he find another girl Jessica was MINE. With this matter on my hands I needed to eat, I eat when I'm angry. Well I eat whenever actually. *creek* I think that was the door. "Her hair her hair falls perfectly without her trying" Harry sings he pauses when his eyes meet mine. "Why you eating now?, it kinda late don't you think? Since we have to do some recording tomorrow."

"Listen Harry and listen closely Jessica is MINE. I saw her first, so don't you think your just going to swoop in and take her."

"When was she YOURS? You guys aren't even an item. So that means she's anyone's"

"Look she will be mine so back the f*** off. Go find someone else."

"It wasn't even a date, we were just hanging out, just saying"

"Hanging out doesn't involve holding hands does it."

"There were a lot if fans if you didn't see."

"Now your trying save her from the fans? Remember when she was in the hospital because of you? I had to save your arse, I didn't tell her anything."

"No one asked for you to save my arse!!"

"Maybe I did that cause I thought we were friends!!! And "FRIENDS" don't go after the same girl!! Gosh Harry your such a stupid bloke!!"

I couldn't take it anymore, all my anger. I raised my fist and punched Harry in the face. A Groan came out of his mouth.

"I said back the f*** off and I mean it." And I walked out the kitchen.

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