the restaurant

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     - worker cory (w!cory)
     - restaurant cory (r!cory)
     - sixth grade cory (6!cory)
     - canon cory (can!cory)

date: 07/15/21
time: 2:47 am.

w!cory was just having a normal night shift, in the middle of an office. doing work things like making projects, or doing surveys from the boss. everything was normal except for the weird muffled racket from high above. they really didn't want to see what that was, so they remained in their cubicle, fidgeting with a small rubber ducky on their desk.

eventually, they decided to take a break, and go get some coffee from the office kitchen. or whatever. the kitchen was, again, empty as usual. but it was messy. they had never seen this before. ignoring the mess on the counter, they started prepping the coffee maker. but when they opened the cabinet which should have held the coffee grain, there was none. cory had to wipe off their glasses and take a second glance to believe it. the office never ran out of coffee, ever.

in a panic, they searched the rest of the kitchen, to no avail. no coffee? no coffee. so there was only one option left. go out. they grabbed their ducky, put it in their pocket, and went down the elevator. it was a soothing break from the panic. once they were out of the elevator, they quickly rushed outside, and took a walk. after a small amount of time, they came across a restaurant entitled "cory's restaurant". what a coincidence. "hm. i wonder what this could be. maybe they have the coffee i've been looking for.." said w!cory. so they went in, a little bell jingling as the door opened.

when they were inside, they noticed that the restaurant was lit up, with music dimly playing in the background, but there was no one inside. it was a very pretty restaurant. suddenly, a figure appeared from around a corner. but the weird thing is, they thought that they might have recognized the being.

"hello! didn't know that people would come here this late. but hey, that's why i'm always here!"

w!cory was really confused at this point. they just wanted some coffee.

"uhh, hi. i just want a coffee.. you got any, or is there a shortage."

the person frowned. "sorry, we ran out."

no way. but, the employee did suggest something else, "we do, however, have some osmanthus wine. if you'd like that?"

wine? w!cory hadn't had that drink in ages. one glass wouldn't hurt. "sure. i guess." the person smiled. "great! right this way." then they led w!cory to a small table, and went off to prepare the finest wine available. why did they look so familiar? "hey.. what's your name anyway?" the person stopped, and turned around. "uh, cory.. i own this place, believe it or not." right.. "sorry.. it's just really complicated, y'know? i shouldn't.."

before they finished, r!cory went into the kitchen, presumably. ..? what? eh, whatever. they just waited. and eventually, they came back.

t'was beautiful. beautiful red wine in a fancy glass. "enjoy." was the last thing r!cory said to w!cory before sitting back down behind the corner from the entrance. odd. w!cory shook off the strange feeling, and took a sip of the wine presented.

it tasted exactly how they remembered it.

it was pretty nice. "this is.. good."

"why thank you. you have no clue how long i've been waiting for someone to say that."

"umm.. thanks?" w!cory was kinda suspicious of this person.

date: 07/15/21
time: 3:10 am.

"so is this a winery.. or a restaurant. do you have anything else?" r!cory got up and returned to the table. "actually, yes. do you like cheesecake?" cheesecake? how the heck? "yes please." r!cory smirked. "lucky guess. brb."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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