Addison & Lizzie

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Chapter 5 deleted scene

November 1993 -Takes place alongside Derek and Sam's conversation in chapter 5 of Runaway Train.

"Thanks for coming over Liz. I'm surprised you really didn't know Amy's been staying here. Mom really didn't tell you?" Addison pours the wine, passing a glass to her slightly older sister-in-law.

"Nope. Nothing. Mark didn't either and I was just at his place last week." The red head raises her eyebrow.

"What were you doing there? Borrowing a CD or something? Because his collection sucks. You have to raid Amy's." Lizzie shakes her head, biting her lip.

"Can I be honest? Don't tell a soul." She puts her glass down untouched.

"Of course. I called you over to bitch about your brother but if you need to get something off your chest please do." Lizzie chuckles softly. She was always the one that listened to Addison when her and Derek fought.

"Mark and I have been sleeping together. Alot." The dark haired woman admits refusing to meet her sister-in-law's eyes.

"Wait what? You're sleeping with Mark?" Lizzie nods.

"Um yeah. Remember a few weeks back? After I broke it off with Dave?"

"Yeah, what about it?" The younger woman asks confused, wondering where it was leading.

"That's where it started. But uh Addie? I think it may have gone too far." She breathes out.

"What? Are you falling for Mark? Mark of people? Your brother's best friend?" Lizzie laughs. Her first true laugh in the last 24 hours.

"God no. He's just single and wanting to give me what we both want. Sex."

"So how did you go too far? Besides sleeping with your brother's best friend who is practically your brother and why haven't you touched your drink yet? You love this kind." Lizzie looks up at Addison, her pale complexion showing, much like Amelia's.

"Not really in the mood for a drink. I am kinda hungry though."

"Wait, you're hungry and not really up for wine. Are you pregnant or something?"

"According to the test I took yesterday, yeah actually I am." She says a slightly scared. 'Oh my god Addie what am I gonna do? I'm a pregnant intern! I let my brother's best friend knock me up." She groans freaking out.

"Okay okay first of all have you told Mark? He needs to know Liz. He's not gonna leave you high and dry. He loves kids. He's good with Kate and Nancy's kiddos. He's good to Amy." The Shepherd nods silently, agreeing. Addison was right, as usual.

"I know. I know. It's just this wasn't supposed to happen. I was gonna wait until I was settled as an attending. I'm 25. This wasn't the plan."

Addison sits back, letting her vent. She knew Lizzie needed this more than her at the moment. She'd be supportive when she could. It was kinda fun knowing she'd be around alot more.

She was hoping when she applied for her internship later this year she'd get accepted at the hospital Lizzie worked at. She liked what she saw. Lizzie was her second favorite sister. Not that she had favorites of course. She thought it would be fun working with Derek and Lizzie, that's assuming Derek and her got into the program at that hospital. Three Shepherd's in one hospital. She liked the sound of that. That way they could figure out a system for child care. That's if Lzzie and Mark wanted the help. She was getting ahead of herself.

End Chapter

Reminder that this is an outtake or deleted scene if you will that doesn't fit into the main storyline of Runaway Train but we wanted to keep anyways.

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