Unorthodox Beginnings

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"I was raised in a valley there was shadows and death, got out alive but-" I groaned, clicked off the alarm on my phone and rolled off my bed. Today was my designated day to do all of my homework. I choose one every summer to avoid August anxiety.  

Checking my appearance in the mirror, I grimaced at the state of my hair. Blue and purple strands littered my naturally wavy jet black hair, which - thanks to my restless night last night - looked like a birds nest. My steely grey eyes stared back at me through the reflection, appraising my shapely fifteen year old body. I wasn't stick thin, nor did I want to be. I was proud of my curves. Yawning, I stood up and ventured downstairs in the hopes that there would be leftovers from last night's meal. Standing at the cooker in pyjamas and flip flops was my stepmother Kate 

"morning sweetheart," she smiled and stirred her scrambled eggs. 

"morning," I found half a pasta bake on the counter so I grabbed a fork and dug in 

"your dad and I are going to Galway today for a workshop, we won't be home until late tomorrow and Lori is staying at a friend's. You'll be ok on your own, won't you?" Lori was my older sister. 

"sure! I'll only be doing homework anyway so no chance of a massive party" I smiled  

"good luck trying to get people out here for a party" we lived in a very small village, far from any of my friends 

"true true. So when are you leaving?" 

"fifteen minutes, I'm just getting breakfast while your dad is getting dressed and then we'll be out of here" she put the eggs on some toast and began eating. She was finished in a couple of minutes and she made her way back upstairs. I smiled at the thought of an empty house as I got a drink of water. Once my hunger and thirst had been satisfied, I meandered upstairs to grab a quick shower. 

I should probably mention that my homework isn't just normal homework, it's homework of the magical type. Yes, I, Adia Ravenscroft, am a witch. I even attend Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. No joke. 

I generally enjoyed doing my homework, mainly because it reminded me of the place I called home. 

It's not that my home in Ireland wasn't nice, I mean, my parents are great and my father's wife is lovely. I've never been hit or abused, I just don't fit in here. My family has been a little wary of me ever since I got my Hogwarts letter at eleven years old. It certainly changed my family - and not for the better. 

I waved to my father and Kate as they left the house, then vaulted upstairs for a quick shower. Collecting up my phone and clothes for the day (skinny jeans and a loose Pierce The Veil shirt), I made my way to the bathroom. I undressed and hopped in, dancing around a but to the Sleeping With Sirens song I'd put on. The hot water and smell of lime shampoo soon calmed me, and I took a few minutes to bask in the heat when I'd finished washing myself. 

Suddenly the bathroom door burst open and a tall dark figure entered. I shrieked and tried to cover up my naked body, despite the fact that there was a steamy shower door in front of me.  

"who is that!? Get out!! What are you doing, get the hell out!" I screamed. The intruder gasped and retreated hastily, slamming the door shut behind themselves. 

What the hell?

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