Episode 1 (Part 1) : The Coming of a New Dawn

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This is where it would all end, the eternal struggle between the Gohma, and the Shinkoku army.

The Eight Guardian Generals prepare, as their starships from heaven itself float down over the earth, Asura stands on one of them, his golden arms crossed, he looks down. Thousands of other starships were behind his, and I mean thousands, near the earth, ready.

Asura clenched his fists as he looked down, gritting his teeth, aura raged from him as he spread his arms and crouched, launching off the starship, his red aura raged around him as he dashed down toward the millions of Gohma rising from the earth, many golden Shinkoku soldiers emerged from the ships as the ships started to fire continous blasts at the Gohma that stained the earth's atmosphere. The Shinkoku grunts, tanks, and foot soldiers flew, their aura was golden as they were all group together, dashing down at the Gohma whom howled in space, flying up towards them as well.

The intense battle began, starships crashed into giant Gohma Carriers that looked like giant red boulders made out of black flesh with red pumping. Many stingray, giant fish, flying elephants, and apes howled as they collided with the Shinkoku army, explosions and fighting was seen everywhere. Starships blowing up and Gohma carriers falling.

Asura was soon confronted by a squid the size of a neighborhood it having the appearence of a demon as it shot one of it tentacles out at Asura, he quickly flew to the right and span, dodging the thrown tentacle. Many more were shot out at him but to no avail as he sprang daround them easily, his golden hands glew orange as he dashed at the squid and grinded his golden fists hard agaonst its head, dragging down past it. He then sank his fingers into it, grabbing the giant squid that was 100 times his size as he threw it at another Gohma Lasher, they both crashed into eachother, their orange lava blood spewed out and burned to a crisp.

His aura raged even more as he dashed at another lasher, gripping his fi ng ers into its super large squid head, gritting his teeth, his aura fired up as he let out a battlecry, flying the lasher into a gohma carrier, they both colided hard as more lava blood blew out, burning them both to a crisp.
"Fear not, brave warriors of Shinkoku." Mithra's prayers and voices could be heard throughout the battle. They came from The Karna Fortress, it was incomplete but had the head and torso of a godly being, a dim blue glow with a buddhist spiral gong on its back, it had yellow glowing eyes. "Our struggle against the Gohma, shall come to an end tonight!" Mithra was inside a chamber of blue glowing mantra, the energy feeded to gods by the prayer of humans. She continously danced beautifully as her long black hair flowed, she wore the ribe of a priestess. "Oh, powerful demigods!" She prayed out to them, giving off more mantra that both inspired and strengthened the Shinkoku army. "Purge our world of the impure Gohma!" She prayed. "The life giving mantra is one with you..Faithful people of Shinkoku! Offer your prayers! They will become mantra to aid us in battle!" Thousands of civilians prayed in one area as a priestess was praying with them, the battle continued to rage around in space above the Earth.

"Tinight, the impure Gohma have defiled and scorched our land, but it is we who shall see tomorrow's light!" The 128th Emperor of Shinkoku, Strada, prayed on his throne in the Karma Fortress, inside the head itself. "Heed your Priestess' words, and purify our land once and for all!" He spread his arms, dramatiIng his words. "Let us offer Gaea in the greatest blessing in the name of Emperor Strada..!" Mithra prayed inside her temple, smiling brightly as the mantra flowed around her, she continued to dance beautifully as she floated around. "May the Mantra guide you to victory!" A buddhist circle gong formed on her back, giving off mantra to all the other soldiers on the galactic battlefield.

Asura raged at another Gohma carrier, slamming his fist right through the beast, it split in half.

Suddenly, three other warriors emerged from the starships as their aura's glowed bright. Yellow, Orange, and blue. The yellow fighter slamming a super huge fist through three Gohma carriers as he laughed out. "For the cause!" He let out a battlecry. He was one of the Eight Guardian Generals, Wyzen. "I will root out all evil...with these great fists!" He called out.

The orange aura slammed against a Gohma Carrier and stood on it. A man with the same skin complexion as Asura stood, spreading his arms in a "come-at-me-bro." He smirked widely, his white hair flowed. "Time to have some fun!" He chuckled, suddenly two stingray Gohma lashed out toward him. "Looks like you wanna die first!" He snarled as he swiped his hand through one of them, then slamming his fist into the other as they both fell down, dead. He laughed loudly as he slammed the holster of his large sword as it destroyed the Gohma Carrier, it exploded.

The blue aura, Yasha, with his black combat robe and golden fists and feet, flew toward the Gohma Lasher. "Follow me!" He exclaimed, dodging the tentacles that lashed out at him. He easily cut through it with just the swipe of both hands. "Drive a wedge through the enemies forces!" He continously cut through them.

Asura slammed his fist right through a golden carrier, destroying it. "Worthless scum!" He clenched both fists hard. "I'll kill you all!" He screamed loudly in rage, easily slamming his gokden fists through the Gohma Carriers, they explode continously. "Who's next!?" He called out, angry.

The four generals in battle continously fought as a general with light pink hair that went to his waist. "Oh how beautiful life is...at it's end.." He dramatically gestured. "True beauty..manifests itself..in death.." He dramatized, he sounded seductive. His name was Sergei.

Karlow, the oldest general, floated on his staff inside his room as he groaned. "It would be nice..if one could rest for a bit.." He stroked his white grey beard, he wore a monacle. "I do believe..that I'm getting too old for all of this.." He sighed lazily.

A woman viewed them both on her own screen, glaring. "You two should be concerned with the task at hand!" She insisted. Sergei sighed. "Olga, sometimes I wonder if you know me at all.." He shook his head. "Have you forgotten that I am most concerned..when the beauty of destruction is before me?" He asked. Karlow sneered. "My strategies are flawless..!" He nagged. "There is no need for us to be on the front, just sit back, and await our victory.." He crossed his old arms.

"How you two became Generals is beyond me.." Olga patronized them. "Commander Deus, sending reinforcements directly to the front lines!" She requested as she looked at Deus through his screen. "Hmph. Battles such as this that bring temporary peace are meaningless and a waste of my time.." He said, negatively. "Ready the Brahmastra!" He immediately ordered.

"The Brahmastra!?" Olga was surprised. "In its current state, it wouldn't be able to demonstrate its true capability.." Karlow advised, stroking his beard. "Sometimes one must throw a stone inti stagnant waters, to set things into motion. Not just for our sake, but for the future of our salvation.." He clenched a fist. Sergei swooned. "The Brahmastra..that is an instrument of destruction that I would love to hear played.." He swooned dramatically. "As you wish, Commander." Olga said obediently.

The blue blast slowly started to charge on the forehead of the Karma Fortress, then shrunk as it fired a super intense blast toward the earth, shattering the ground and water as lava slowly statted to pour out into the water. Asura flinched at the blue blast that continued to fire. "Ngj!" He struggled as the blast vanishes. Yasha went beside Asura. "The Brahmastra? But why..?" Yasha asked as Augus suddenly bumped between them. "Why mot!? It shows how serious we are about winnig!!" Augus smirked. Wyzen flinched. "Behold!! It is Vlitra!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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