Lmao Just Slay Me

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HEY, it's me, the author

So, I've been thinking about doing another part and I've read over the part I've already had published and I've never cringed so hard in my life

I never realized how innocent I was when I wrote it until I reread it

I'm sorry for all the hell I've put everyone who read it

But I have to say thank you for all the votes and nice comments I've gotten since whenever the hell I've published this trash

I'll try to get a new part up (no promises) but I have a ton of stuff going on at the time (school, family, depression/anxiety, etc) so idk you'll probably have to wait a while longer until I can get it up,

I've also been thinking about making this an actual small story but I'm not sure if I really should. After all, I'm usually on mobile and everything so we'll just have to wait and see what happens

Anywhore thanks for everything and I'll be back ASAP


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