The Night We Met - Lord Huron

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Alex shut the door to the dorm room with her heel as she carried in boxes stacked up in her arms. Trying to peak around them all to make sure she won't trip over something on the floor before she made it to her bed and dropped them all on the mattress. Almost instantly, the smaller boxes on the top fell over. If it weren't for the tape then most of the contents inside would have spilled out everywhere.

Her nose scrunched up at the thought of unpacking all of her things right now, so instead she turned around to look at the rest of the dorm. The side opposite to her seemed completely blank, save for the things that the school gave you already. Which was a skinny mattress (that was so firm that Alex wasn't sure you could really call it a mattress) with sheets and a thin blanket, the bed frame had two drawers on it, and a nightstand the end of the bed.

Alex still had a few posters and a thicker blanket she bought for herself on her side of the room. As well as some books sitting on her nightstand that she didn't feel the need to take with her at the end of the last school year. She had the dorm all to herself last year because of the unequal amount of students.

Alex liked it, it was easier to have her group of friends over without having to worry about bugging her roommate, or even worse having to room with someone she didn't get along with at all. This year, however, she got news that she was going to get one. Alex tried to get the girls name but couldn't, the only reason she knew about it was because of her best friend Nicky's connections to the board.

Although it didn't seem like her roommate had made it yet judging by the lack of things on the other side of the room. Alex let out a long sigh when her phone buzzed in the back pocket of her jeans. She pulled it out and rolled her eyes at the text.

Nicky: If you help me unpack I'll consider helping you too

Alex: Your parents didn't hire someone to do it?

Nicky: Fuck off and get down here

Alex: Only cause you asked so nicely

Alex gave her boxes one last look before walking out of the dorm and down the hall to Nickys. She really should be unpacking her own things, but Nicky was probably the definition of a minimalist. She barely brought enough clothes to get herself through the year, most of the things she brings were tossed into her bags last minute by the maid at her house.

So, Alex going over was less about unpacking and probably more about hanging out. She proved herself right the moment she entered the room. Nicky was sitting on her side of the bed, back up against the wall smiling at the door when Alex walked in.

Poussey was on the other side, giving her dad a hug before he had to leave. Alex frowned, her own mom only had time to drop her off and hold the front door open for her before she had to go back and catch her shift.

"Get over here, Vause." Nicky patted the spot beside her on the mattress with a smile on her face.

"You really do need help unpacking." Alex waved her hand at the two empty boxes laying beside the bed. Nicky shrugged and moved farther down the bed to make more room for her friend. Poussey's dad gave them a small nod before he left, closing the door swiftly behind him.

"You meet her yet?" Nicky asked as Alex took a seat next to her. "The new roomie."

"Ooh is she a bitch?" Poussey jumped in, a grin on her face. Alex rolled her eyes "No, she's not here yet."


"Well, looks like your roommates here." Carol grimaced when she saw the boxes laying on the bed on other side of the room.

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