Chapter one

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You cling to the railing, looking out across the calm blue ocean. The waves roll softly, and the gentle bouncing of the ship is making you sleepy.

"Y/N, see anything?" one of the crew mates call to you. Dabi, if you remember. "Nothing yet! Just open ocean!" you call back. Dabi nods and heads back inside the boat.

You gaze back out to the water, smiling as the salty breeze whips your hair around, blissfully unaware of what's going on under the water.

Down below the boat a pod of merfolk swim together. "Isn't that the LoV boat?" one with a green tail asks. "I think it is," the brown-haired mermaid beside him replies. "Let's take the fucking thing down!" a rather spiky merman says, making tiny explosions pop all over his scales. The others in the pod nod, looking at the disheveled black one at the front of the pod. "Go ahead. I don't care."

The merfolk arrange themselves in a spherical shape, then begin swimming, faster and faster. They flip and dive in the bubble, their scales blurring together. The sky above began to reflect the merfolks movements below, getting dark, and beginning to storm.

You look up as the sky begins to grow dark, and your eyebrows furrow. There wasn't a cloud in the sky before, so it had to be...

"Merfolk!" you gasp out, seeing glimpses of tails. You turn to run to the bridge, shouting it louder. "Merfolk! Merfolk!" The rain starts coming down in torrents, making the deck dangerously slippery. You grasp the railings to keep yourself steady, barely keeping your footing. You finely manage to get to the bridge, still shouting.

"Merfolk! I saw them! Right under us!" The captain curses under his breath. "Those basterds. They're gonna sink my ship." The captain yells into the speaker system "Everyone get the ship ready for this storm! It's gonna be a hell of a monster! And ready the nets if you can!"

You run back outside, hoping to help. The winds had gotten so much faster while you were inside, and it now howls in your ears, throwing you off-balance. The rocking of the ship is no longer calming, and the waves crash over the sides of the ship, sending salty spray into your eyes. Through the sheets of rain your keen eyes spot sharp lumps, and you realize they are rocks. But before you have a chance to yell out a warning, the ship is scraping against them.

You're tossed around, and you can't see anything anymore. You try to call out for someone, anyone, but the wind drowns out your voice.

Then a huge wave comes crashing over the ship, almost pulling you off. You grab a railing and try to get inside, but another wave pulls you off into the water.

You flail around in the icy water, holding your breath the best you can. You're tossed around in the water, being thrown about by the waves like a beach ball.

You struggle towards the surface, attempting to get a breath of air. You breach the top, and take a big gulp of water instead of air as a wave crashes over you. You cough violently, trying to expel the water and get air, but only succeed in getting more water in your lungs. You feel the sting of the salt in you mouth, your eyes, your throat, your lungs. As you begin to panic, your breath gets quicker, and the water keeps pouring in.

A wave crashes down heavily, forcing you deep underwater. It's icy cold down there, and you struggle to stay conscious. You loose that fight though, and you vision fades to black.

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