pt 1// horror movie 🎥

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AN//: yea just gonna jump straight into it LMAO anyways welcome to tha book 📖 just so ya know: 

Y/n: your name

Time and setting: 1995; your condo

Scene: You and Dave are watching a horror film on your couch 🎥

Things to be pre-established: You're Dave's partner of 4 years 

WARNINGS ⚠️⚠️: nsfw, explicit seggsual content, cursing, dom (?) reader

Ok enjoy 😎👍


pov//: third person

  The glow coming from the tv screen illuminates Dave, as he leans on the side of your sofa. His hold on the pillow he's clutching tightens with every sudden movement or noise. No matter how much he protests each time you offer to watch a scary movie, he always watches attentively, knowing he has company to keep him reassured.

  It does feel a little wrong, watching in secret as his arm hairs raise, and goosebumps freckle his skin while he waits in anticipation for whatever spook is coming. Hopefully, he feels a bit safer with your arms wrapped around him, one on either of his sides.

  With each jumpscare, he buries his face a little deeper into the pillow. You'd have to admit, it's a bit charming how his eyes widen and then settle each time he's surprised.

  About halfway through the movie, you remember why you had chosen it to watch with him. Knowing he was afraid of horror movies, you figured to ease the fear, this one would do. After asking friends for any recommendations, they had brought it up because of the racy scene in the middle.

  'It'd be perfect' you had thought to yourself. It'd simultaneously take his mind of the fear, and fog his intent. Fortunately, it was going as planned. The light that the screen casts upon him reveals his cheeks that've gone beet red. He's unearthed himself subconsciously from the pillow by now, mouth slightly ajar and gaze fixed.

  Your hand gently strokes his side, moving down slightly every trace. Humorous, how his eyes flirt back and forth from the screen back to you, unable to control his stare.

"Try and just pay attention to the film; don't worry about what I'm doing" You mumble, breathe on his neck.

  He lets out a slight gulp, but tries not to divert his attention from the screen, which would let you know what he's feeling. Slyly, a hand snakes up his shirt to pet his abdomen, while the other lifts his shirt slightly

"Please" he whimpers, staring down at you,"don't lead me on tonight". His eyelids half mast, eyes cloudy.

  You both readjust slightly, and he tosses the pillow off to the side. He lifts his back from against the arm of the sofa, making his long brown hair fall into his face. He sits hunched slightly, legs crossed, waiting for your next movement.

  Before anything else happens, you stand up. His eyes follow you, confused, still wanting. "Uhr, sorry. I need a drink of water." You explain. "Before I go, can I get you anythin?" You lean closer to his face to ask. 

  "No no, I'm alright." He shakes his head fervently, a new plan appearing into his mind as you turn to go to the kitchen. While your gone, he hurriedly unties his pants, eager to throw them off before you can get back. 

  His hair drapes over his face as he anxiously pulls his boxers off. He briefly admires the erection you've given him, before sitting up on his knees, back slightly, leaning on the arm of the couch. Shit, he thinks, this is going to come off creepy as shit if she wasn't anticipating anything of the sort, shit, shit. He gets onto the floor quickly, trying to search for at least his boxers that he so carelessly tossed, realizing his embarrassing mistake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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