The real of dreams

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Hi, I'm Amira. Gap year children who always struggle to pursue their dreams, no wonder many friends call me ambitious.

This morning, I woke up from my deep sleep. A long sleep that made my eyes close as if I didn't want to wake up from a good dream that was present. I half-consciously opened my eyes while sighing made me even more grateful because God still woke me up this morning. Today I feel different, because today, the exact day that the announcement arrived, the announcement of the end of my struggle so far made me feel as if I wanted to continue the dream from my sleep because I was afraid. However, I must be prepared that whatever it is is the result of my own hard work, I always try to believe that God's version is far more beautiful than my plans, different from how I felt the previous day. A passionate feeling without knowing the reason why? "Ah well, I hope good news comes to me" I said in my heart. I immediately got out of my bed, cleaned it up and went to brush my teeth. Don't forget to smile widely to greet my mother who is busy preparing breakfast for me. "What are you cooking, ma'am?'.. "Your favorite fried rice, with fried eggs I decorate it on top"... said my mother suddenly making me want to eat it.
Morning passed...on a hot afternoon, I decided to brew some ice and I continued to take a nap to calm my mind. The clock shows at 14.20 I woke up feeling much calmer, I sat waiting for the results to be announced at 15.00 later. At this time I did not feel restless, it was calm. I decided to take a shower and worship before opening it. "Where are you going, deck?" asked my mother..."just take a shower ma'am, I'm hot, I want to take a shower" I answered... after I finished taking my laptop, I opened the announcement page, I looked at the monitor screen, with my face glued I was silent. I leave it to God, I pray for the best and I dare myself to open it. With a matter of seconds I closed my eyes and then I clicked the button on the laptop keyboard. And it appears....yes...without my thinking in the end, I escaped. A dream that I skyd and I call today's dream I reached. "Thank God, for all your blessings so far, thank you for today" I said in my heart with tears of happiness.

That's Amira, a dreamer who finally got her dream. 'It's never too late while we can catch up, there is no way if we don't want to open it ourselves' is a principle in Amira's life that is very motivating, isn't it. It's a first step, but as long as there is faith and perseverance, it will definitely be resolved. As the saying goes that if God has brought you down a path, surely God will also take you through it. The value we can take from this story is to always believe and believe that God's power is great, don't be afraid to dream because we will never know which dream God will give from the many dreams that we sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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