failed attempts

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Ok so i used to mess around with random characters last year and make some weird storys that usually ends up just being what would of happened if-
And my sister dared me to post one of my longer ones here so i am sorry to those who read. It is long bc i always ended up dragging things out but anyway..

Warning: mentions of blood, death and severe injury.
Disclaimer: i do not own any of the characters in this it was made purely for fun. And it is not following the origonal story. Before reading i suggest watching songs of war first. Im pretty sure the people who made it uploaded it to youtube themselves. But idk.

Songs of war
(This starts at the battle between tygren and thalleous when thalleous gets killed. Sorry about the mess ups in the script I wrote this with no internet so I couldn’t find the original. Also in this there were 2 horses one for Senn and one for thalleous so Thalleous had given forest the signal to go during his battle)
Thalleous'es pov may turn to Tygren's pov:
I just threw a spear through the last of the voltaris warriors when tygren jumped down from his position atop some rubble.
Th: "you have hurt many in your time Tygren! I will not let you continue to take innocents away because of your need for power!"
Ty: "it isn’t a need for power! The primes belong to the Voltaris clan!"
At that Tygren launched towards Thalleous and attempted to strike him but was quickly blocked by the others Greatsword, then Thalleous went to strike Tygren but was blocked as well. This continued back and forth until Thalleous got a hit on Tygren and knocked him down.
Th: "this is not a battle to be ended today we will meet again, Tygren."

Part time Tygren pov:
But I wasn’t planning on letting Thalleous go, I wanted him out of the way. now. I picked up the spear that had been driven through one of my fallen brothers chests, and, with all my might, threw the spear at Thalleous aimed straight for his heart. To my dismay and pleasure the spear missed but still stuck into Thalleous’s side going right through but staying in place. Not likely fatal if tended to but still enough to put the old man down for a while.

Back to Thalleous:
I was walking towards timber when there was a ‘thwip’ in the wind. I turned to dodge but was too slow. There was a searing pain in my side and, once I looked down, found that Tygren had thrown a spear as a last effort to kill me. I dropped to my knees and bit back a scream, not wanting to bring my enemy any pleasure, and clutched my side where the spear is still lodged . I had to get to Senn, just to make sure he made it to Galleous, he was a smart kid and would likely go to the last place I had told him. I got up and slowly limped to Timber.

Th: "come on Timber let’s find Senn."
Timber neighed nervously but started carefully trotting away the same direction he watched forest go. (The horse Senn is with)
Senn’s pov:
I have been riding for at least an hour now so I decided to stop and give forest a break. Once everything settled it all started catching up
The village
Left behind
I completely forgot about Thalleous! He was still at the village with Tygren. I had to go back!.. but what if I’m too late.. or what if he escaped and I give away his position?
*sigh* I had to stay here if he hasn’t come by morning I will go back to look for him.

(Time skip 2 hours)

Still senn's pov
I was woken by the sound of a horse coming my way I quickly got up and looked around. It was coming from the village! I squinted and that’s when I saw him. Thalleous. he was on Timber but something was off. His posture was slouched and he looked as if he were just about to fall off. I ran as fast as I could towards him and the closer I got the worse he looked until I finally saw what was wrong. There was a spear. coming out of his side. He was injured. Badly.
S: “Thalleous!”
Th: “... Senn?”
His voice sounded so weak, defeated even, I had never seen Thalleous like this before.. though that is to be expected when one has a spear protruding through their side.
Th: “why are you still here! It’s only about an hours ride from the village!”
S: “I wasn’t going to leave you! Come on we have to get you to a healer!”
Th: “a healer won’t be much help to us right now. I know somewhere I can take you. If he can’t help us directly then he might be able to point us in the direction of someone who can.”
S: “.... ok but it has to be quick you need medical attention”
Th: “it’s not too far”
S: “good then let’s go”

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