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warnings: none! read author's note for general warnings for entire story and some important background information! hope you guys like :)

"One day," Marinette muttered to herself as her eyes darted around, making sure no one was watching when she ducked into an alleyway. People were too busy running and screaming to notice a girl hiding in one of the several alleyways this side of Paris. "One day this will all be over and I can just live in peace."

"Positive thinking, Marinette!" Tikki's bright voice came from her bag, her small red face peeking out. "I'm sure you'll defeat Hawkmoth soon!"

She muttered a thanks to her kwami before saying her transformation words, feeling her suit appear over her. It felt like ages since she discovered Tikki and her earrings, but she wasn't sure she'd ever get used to the surreal feeling of becoming Ladybug in just a few seconds.

Her yoyo was already flying, swinging her toward where she heard the typical maniacal laughter of what had to be an akuma. Normal Parisians didn't go around laughing like that unless they were akumatized - most of the time.

Marinette could still clearly remember the first day she got her earrings. Tikki had scared the hell out of her, but after a little explaining and calming down, she was swinging down the streets of Paris much like she was now.

She grimaced at how young and full of hope she used to be. 

A thirteen-year-old Ladybug did not imagine that she would have to fight Hawkmoth for this long. It had been years since she was first given her miraculous, years since she met Master Fu, years since she became the guardian. 

An older and more worn down Ladybug finally landed on a rooftop across the street from the akuma. She frowned as her eyes moved over the costume - she could only catch some ugly purple pantsuit and a bright green, poofy hairdo. 

Hawkmoth was a horrible villain outfit designer.

She looked around for his partner that was sure to show up to help the akuma, but it looked like he hadn't gotten to the party yet. Fine by her.

Ladybug tried to survey the situation before jumping in - there were several statues around that she was sure were not there before this akuma attack. She winced as the akuma held out a long staff, aiming it for a bunch of screaming civilians, and they all turned to stone.

"Great," she muttered, gripping her yoyo. 

"Ladybug!" She turned sharply to where someone familiar was ducked behind a bench, waving her over. She didn't hesitate to jump down, jogging over to where her best friend and number one fan was frantically gesturing for her to hurry up.

"What are you doing?" She couldn't help but hiss as she ducked down next to Alya, "This is really dangerous!"

"I know where the akuma is," Alya ignored what she said, a gleam in her eye. As much as it irritated and concerned Ladybug that her friend was always so close to akuma attacks, she did have a knack for helping out once in a while. It was a trait that made her want to give Alya a miraculous if only to keep her safe while she was trying to help Ladybug.

She could imagine how much easier it would be if she could just tell her that it was Marinette under the suit.

"It's in her staff, I saw it happen while I was having lunch," Alya continued, pointing to the weapon the akuma was still aiming at civilians and turning them to stone with. Ladybug stood up, grateful that her friend was able to save her some time figuring that out, but also still worried.

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