*.✧ 5 ✧.*

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Hearing the comforting reassurance of his brother had Taehyung feeling a little better. It really gave him some sort of clarity, that even if he doesn't want to be near Jungkook, they were still mates. This whole issue would come to an end when he figured out exactly what was causing it, so the feeling of impending doom had faded.

Soon after, Taehyung washed up, put on a clean t-shirt, and headed back to the kitchen. Not eating a good breakfast probably made him more irritated than he could have been, so he scavenged the refrigerator for any kind of meat. He frowned at the nearly empty shelves and made a note to himself to go hunting soon as he decided on rabbit to eat. As he was reaching into the fridge, he heard the front door slam.

"Stop fucking playing with me."

Taehyung shot up after grabbing the meat and looked over to see Jungkook, fuming at the seams and standing like he was going to do something about it. The alpha's hands were balled up into fists and he had a menacing expression that would've screamed danger if Taehyung wasn't used to it already.

This had him immediately mirroring his energy and narrowing his eyes at Jungkook. All his buttons had been pushed, and all the tranquility in him had suddenly disappeared. Taehyung slammed the refrigerator door.

"I'm not playing with you."

Suddenly Jungkook was storming up to him, and Taehyung walked smoothly to meet him. There was a silence for a moment as they kept eye contact with piercing gazes before Jungkook finally let something out.

"Okay then, what's up?" Jungkook threw his arms up and his body seemed to relax. "It's obvious that we're mates, so why the fuck do you keep running away?"

Damn, Taehyung didn't expect to get called out like that. His grip on the bag of meat tightened for a moment before he threw it on the counter and put his hands on his hips. "I'm not running away." He said maybe a little too proudly.

"What the fuck do you mean? You have been avoiding me since we met, jumping out the window and shit." Jungkook closed in on the other, who turned to the counter and grabbed the meat out of the bag and onto a cutting board. His voice came out soft, but with the same assertiveness. "Tell me, who was the first one to walk away earlier?"

Taehyung grabbed a kitchen knife from the drawer beneath the top of the counter and began cutting the meat into strips to distract himself from Jungkook's burning gaze all over him. "Why did you want to keep beating each other up and making out at the same time? Somebody had to finish what you started."

Jungkook frowned. "I only started it because you weren't teaching them what they need to know!"

The knife was suddenly pointing at Jungkook's throat, though he didn't even flinch as Taehyung looked at him with murder in his eyes. "I'm teaching them perfectly fine! Don't come into my fucking territory and tell me what to do!"

This had Jungkook throwing his arms up in exasperation. "I can tell you whatever the fuck I want! You're my goddamn mate!"

Taehyung was baffled. Jungkook really had to have the biggest balls to think he had some sort of control over him, which angered him even more. "Yea, well that doesn't mean I'm your bitch you fucker! I'll reject your ass right here right now!" He shouted as he pointed the knife to the ground indicating that he would put those words into action.

Those words seemed to have struck yet another nerve in the other alpha, who let out a breathy laugh that was mocking and taken aback. "Not if I reject you first!"

"Yea fucking right!" Taehyung was just spewing words at this point, having got all worked up. It didn't matter what he did, Jungkook always seemed to make him go insane. "You've had such a fucking hard-on for me ever since you laid eyes on me!" He accusingly lifted his hand towards the other, forgetting the knife was in his hand.

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