C H A P T E R | S E V E N

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E X T R A | C R E D I T

Elijah stopped infront of his teachers house, he had only come here for the work his sister had missed while she was- and continued to be sick. He was supposed to pick it up and school, but he too was forced to stay home and take care of his sister, they didn't know what she had but it was bad enough that she was in constant pain and trying to drug herself up to the point of an overdose.

The only reason he was allowed to leave was because their father had come home and relieved him for two hours, half of which was meant to grab her school work from each other her teachers, so she wouldn't fall behind.

As he stood in front of the gigantic house, he couldn't help but flinched ah the aura coming off of it, it wasn't bad but it was intimidating and made him want to run off this instant. Pushing through what his body was saying his started up the steps, and knocked on the double door. They rattled softly, weaving in and out before the left oke was yanked open and Mr.Romin stood their, his face full of boredom.

It set Elijah on edge as he cleared his thirst ready to say exactly as he practiced hello, I'm here for my sisters work, Elizabeth Herian. Thank you, and see you at school tomorrow Mr.Romin. He practiced it multiple times on the way over, got it down pat now.

What he wasn't expecting for the bored face on his teacher, to turn into full blown interest, and feel like he was being checked out from head to toe.

"Elijah" he boomed, opening his door wide and motioning his arm for his student to enter "oh, no thank you" he declined, clearing his throat again to recite what he had practiced, hello, I'm here for my sisters work, Elizabeth Herian. Thank you, and see you at school tomorrow Mr.Romin.

He was interrupted "please I insist" and forced the door open even further as an invitation. Though it was rude, Elijah denied again and for a third time opened his mouth to recite what he practiced "Mr,Herian" his teacher said, making his mouth snap shut. Whatever he was going to say died on his tongue and he looked to his teacher "come inside please Elijah" Mr.Romin asked, this time with little room to say no as he gripped his students arm and forced him inside.

"Sorry about that, it seems rude to leave one of your favourite students out in the cold" he laughed, walking away, leaving behind a confusion Elijah "so, what do you nee-" "I'm not your favourite" Elijah spoke, being the one to interrupt this time "what do you mean" he had already moved past the conversation and was inching towards the door.

"I've come for my sister stuff" hello, I'm here for my sisters work, Elizabeth Herian. "Thank you for the invite inside, but I must be going" Thank you, and see you at school tomorrow Mr.Romin. It wasn't exactly what he practiced but it would do.

The smile on his teachers face dropped, and he slouched back in his chair "yeah, your not my favourite, your right. My favourite isn't failing my class, and doing nothing to ask for extra credit. My favourite isn't coming to my house and asking for his sisters works despite asking what I want. So maybe I should up your grade just a single percentage for getting that one thing right." The niceness his teacher usually held was gone, and in its place was a cruel man.

"I'm sorry" Elijah said a taken back for a second "yknow, I'll grab the papers tomorrow" his sister wouldn't need them tonight anyways. He turned and reached for the unlocked door, so close to safety that he so craved.

He failed.

A warm, much taller body pressed him against the shut door, and a hand reached up to slide the lock into place "your breaking my heart Elijah" his teacher said pitifully "not asking for extra credit or nothing, i don't want to see my student fail, and I'm pretty sure you don't like to fail" there was a threat hidden somewhere in his words that set Elijahs entire body alight, and left it buzzing.

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