Full Show, Lucky Them

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Sunday, January 17th, 2021

"Dan, baby, please," you're struggling to keep your focus on what you want to say when the way Daniel's fucking you from behind, when that alone without the way he's groaning your name or any of the other sounds that escape him, is more enough than to chase every thought from your head without even trying.

What you want to tell him, what you're practically panting from the effort of, keeps fading out around the edges every single time Daniel pulls out and then buries himself up to the hilt in your pussy again. It's fucking obscene, the sound of his thrust forward into you makes, that it's audible how soaking wet you are around him, and it shouldn't be able to sound almost as good as it feels but somehow, through some miracle of how thoroughly his dick is capable of fucking you open, it does.

But no, you're determined to get this out, to tell Daniel exactly what you want right now, to see his face and know how his body reacts when you share the desire that are snuck up on you out of know where, sinking its claws into you and leaving you desperate to see it come true.

"Dan, Dan," the sound of his name hardly seems to scratch the surface, getting no response out of him as he continues to bury himself back into you, slamming his hips forward with such ferocity that you have to grit your teeth to keep yourself from abandoning everything except for saying anything at all but more of the same. "Daniel! Daniel!"

There's something about the entirety of his first name, the sharp edge you put to the ending of it, that somehow manages to reach him through the haze, to the extent that his hand wrapped around your hair, around the messy ponytail you'd thrown it up into after realizing that leaving it lose and around your shoulders would only impede the already limited view of Daniel you had through your legs or in the windshield of the Ferrari beneath your hands, that hand is pulling you back towards him.

Your hips are still anchored in place, the steady rhythm of his thrusts, of Daniel putting everything he's got into fucking you so hard it feels like he's trying and succeeding to splitting you open with his cock, that you're forced to arch your back as far you can as he hauls you back, pulling you toward his shoulder by your hair in a dirty, depraved attempt to give you the chance to tell him whatever it is you've been trying to say since he's entirely unwilling to stop fucking you if it can be avoided, something you're enjoying too much to argue about his methods.

"Come on, that's it, I know you can do it, come on," Daniel's rattling off praise as quickly as you can give him reason to give it out, and once you've accomplished what had felt impossible before he'd distracted you from until it was already done, there's a dangerous glint to the all teeth, predator's grin he gives you that leave you without a shadow of doubt that he knows exactly how much control he has over you right now.

"Love, you better say what you want to say because another few minutes of this, of fucking you like this, of how fucking tight and wet you are around me, is all I have left in me," you wouldn't hesitate to believe him even if you could see the sweat beading on his chest, that despite the crisp, cold night air, his hair is so soaked and plastered to his head that the curls are barely detectable in the moonlight.

"Tell me now, right now," Daniel's voice becomes commanding in an instant, the very instant he realizes you need it, refusing to shy away from rising to the demand.

"I want to see your face when you come, I want to watch, please. I want to know what you look like when you come in me," the hand in your hair falters, you feel it loosen momentarily before clamping back down, like Daniel had lost all control in the wake of your confession before quickly hauling his restraint back in place.

"Is that what you want?" His voice has a husky, scratchy edge to it, like his mouth has suddenly gone bone dry and he has no choice but to wait for the rain to come to restore what's been stolen. There's a desperateness in his tone, like he's more than well aware that he's been caught out, fallen victim to a drought, and now has no other option but to wait for you to break the dry spell.

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