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Loki immediately reached for her forehead and felt her mind asleep, he sighed in relief and carried her into his bedroom knowing Pete slept in hers.

He delicately lay her down on the sheets and covered her with the blankets, he moved his fingers and casted a good dream for her, he was no expert on recreating good memories, but he thought of one of his own as a child with Thor and projected it replacing himself and his brother with her and Pietro.

Loki left the bedroom and sat down on the couch, he checked the set up and saw no changes. A part of him wanted to laugh, what was he doing? how had he gotten into this situation?
And most importantly, why did he want to stay?


Wanda sat under a big tree, a gentle breeze moved her hair and the grass under her bare feet  tickled her, she laughed and stood up.
The air had a golden tone and she smiled feeling genuinely happy.

"Wanda!" Pietro called her name, he ran up the meadows towards her, his hair wet.

"Where have you been?" She asked laughing at him.

Pietro grabbed her arm and smiled "Come with me"

The two ran down the meadows and into a line of trees, she pushed from her sight a few branches and continued to ran to her brother.

Pietro suddenly stopped and opened his arms proudly, Wanda opened her mouth in surprise, before her eyes a small charming lake she'd never seen before.

Pietro ran towards it and dived in, he laughed and called her, Wanda walked slowly towards it, she took in all of the beauty, the summer heat was enough for her to want to join Pietro,but the lake's golden aura made her want to simply stare at the landscape. Once she reached the shore, the cristal clear water showed her reflection, she was smiling.

Pietro called her once more and she decided to join him this time, the two of them laughed and splashed each other, the sun was setting down when they heard their mother calling them, the two of them ran out and tried to dry themselves, of course it was useless, so they went to her expecting the worst, instead of being scolded the sweet woman laughed and kissed their heads.

Wanda looked up and admired her mother, somehow she shined brighter than the golden sun.


Loki had used the free time to inspect the building, once Wanda and Peter woke up or they received news, they'd move to a different location, and so he went to search for provisions in the other rooms, he found some interesting things alongside more comfortable clothes.

Peter woke up not remembering his own name, it took him a couple of minutes to realize where he was and what was he doing, it all seemed like a dream and not necessarily a good one, simply long and confusing threatening to become a nightmare.
He stood up and noticed a shirt at the end of the bed that hadn't been there when he fell asleep, he picked it up and took a quick shower before putting it on, it was long and black but had some interesting pattern on the wrists, similar to a snake print.

He left the room and found Loki waiting by the computer set up, his eyes were closed so Peter tried to be as quiet as he could, the god of mischief opened his eyes and turned to Peter.

"Sorry" the boy apologized

Loki shook his head and looked over to the set up "It's been silent the whole time"

Peter tried to refresh it but in fact they had received no updates, he tried not to take it as a bad thing, the possibility of aunt May, Tony or his friends being in imminent and actual danger was too much to even consider, specially since he was so far from home.

"The shirt" Peter began "thank you"

Loki nodded almost uncomfortable, complete silence between them. They were thankful for Wanda opening the door, they stood up in perfect synchrony, she even gave them a questioning look.

"No news" Loki informed her.

She nodded to herself "We should move just in case"

"Yes, I have already a safe destination" he added

Peter quickly began sending an update message before putting away the computer set up.

Loki slowly got closer to Wanda, before he opened his mouth she spoke.

"You don't need to worry" she told him "what you did, it somehow uncovered a hidden memory, I still can't completely understand what it was but I feel... awake"

"I must admit I had never done or seen that before" he told her

"I feel flattered" she said making him chuckle

Wanda really wanted to thank him, he had been so nice to her despite their small setbacks, she noticed him and Peter had changed their clothes, they all wore black now, she almost laughed at how Loki had agreed to Peter's little request of having matching outfits, something he'd deny of course.

"Ready!" Peter announced

Loki extended his hand and the two of them reached for it.

They appeared in similar place, except instead of buildings there were small square houses, they walked to one and found a small rectangle instead of a door handle, Loki placed his palm in it and the door opened, the two of them rushed inside while he had a look around.

The house was way simpler than the hotel suite but still quite modern, Wanda gave Peter some space so he could put the set up in place.

Loki entered shortly after, he closed the door.

"No one saw us but I noticed some houses are occupied" he told her

"Should we move?" She asked

Peter cleared his throat "I sent them a message, Mr Stark says a team has gone to find the Soul stone"

"What about Thor?" Loki asked

"And the mind stone?"

Peter typed a few more words "Mr Stark has moved to Wakanda, they will be protecting the mind stone there, and Stephen Strange went into hiding the Time stone. Thor hasn't responded"

"The idiot" Loki muttered under his breath

"What's the next step then?" Wanda added

Peter typed the question down

"They won't tell us" Loki warned them.

"Mr Stark says to wait for further instructions" Peter read the message.

Loki laughed almost triumphantly "They could try to be a little less predictable"

Peter looked down disappointed, he was finally feeling like he had a place in the team, why wouldn't they trust him?

"It's not you, Peter" Wanda told him as she put her arm around his shoulder "you were sent with the least trustworthy people in the group"

"So what should we do?" He asked her

"I might know where Thor went" Loki stepped in "take me there and keep the stone here"

"You're not going by yourself!" Wanda told him

"Well you need to keep the stone safe"

"And what about you?"

"I'll be fine"



"Stop!" Peter suddenly rose his voice "you guys need to stop this neverending cycle of saving each other from the messes you create, we have one job and that job is to hide"

They both stared at him in surprise.

"You really are one of them" Loki muttered

Wanda went over to the boy
"Peter, I know you want to do the right thing, but what if there's something we can do?"

"Let's give them a day" he told them "one day and if they don't answer we'll go look for Thor"

"Half a day" Loki told him

"Deal" the boy agreed

The Latter Days (Infinity war rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now