Episode 7:Official

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Aj:*snoring on the couch*
Akane:*sitting in a chair staring at him* please wake up
Aj:*turns over*
Akane:why does the world always make you suffer when you don't deserve such treatment
Aj:*slowly opens his eyes*
Aj:hey *winces*
Akane:you shouldn't move too much you broke your collarbone and you bruised and cracked your ribs
Aj:really it doesn't hurt all too much
Aj:I told you I've been beaten a lot worse and besides I let them win
Akane:but you're hurt
Aj:it's fine I stuck to the promise
Akane:what promise
Aj:Hana said I can beat him up after this
Akane:where does he live
Aj:*grabs her hand* stop worrying about it that's over now
Akane:*hugs him* I don't want to see you hurt anymore
Aj:*holds her close* I know I kinda have bad luck when it comes to that
Akane:*smiles* I'm glad you can still joke even in your condition
Aj:of course if you can't smile then you can't go on *smiles*
Akane:*puts her hand on his shoulder* no way
Akane:Aj your shoulder
Aj:I'm not going to the hospital I told you
Akane:no your collarbone it's healed completely
Akane:your healing capabilities they're tremendous it's inhuman
Aj:oh I got that from my parents too
Akane:no wonder why you let him win you're too strong for your own good aren't you
Aj:yeah I guess so
Akane:my little kitten *rubs his chin*
Aj:he can't say he's too strong so what if he knows killer moves I could've killed him if I wanted to
Akane:don't worry about it you said you'll beat him up on Monday
Aj:yeah for Hana
Akane:*keeps rubbing his chin* and for me
Aj:yeah sure
Akane:you're just so adorable I can't get enough of how cute you are
Aj:oh stop you're flattering me
Akane:remember you owe me
Aj:what exactly do I owe you again
Akane:you said you were gonna get me chicken how do you forget that!
Aj:oh right my bad I'm a little forgetful
Akane:if you don't keep your word I'll eat you instead
Aj:well I wouldn't be surprised if you did with your appetite you would probably eat the whole turkey on thanksgiving
Akane:how'd you know
Aj:I didn't think it was true until you said that just now
Both:*start laughing*
Akane:can you stay over for today just until you feel better
Aj:but I do feel better
Akane:*throws a left straight*
Aj:*right hooks*
Both:*stop short*
Akane:maybe you do
Aj:*kisses her hand* that's a good fist you scared me last time we did that
Akane:I'm sorry I didn't mean to
Aj:it's fine if I ever lose myself I know you can knock me out besides Hana, my mom and maybe Hanami
Akane:well I'm glad
Aj:*lays back* I'll make sure to get you the chicken though
Akane:you said after the party
Aj:I don't wanna go right now
Akane:don't be like that
Aj:I'm still tired
Akane:you woke up you'll be fine just splash some cold water on your face it'll wake you up
Aj:I told you I sleep better in a bed
Akane:then I can visit your house
Aj:no I'll just take your bed
Akane:that's fine I can sleep I've been watching you all night
Aj:oh okay
Akane:sorry if that sounds weird I just had to make sure nothing happened
Aj:no it's fine so where's your room
Akane:down the hall
Aj:okay *gets up*
Akane:*hops on his back*
Aj:*stumbles* hey this is your own house you can walk
Akane:if you're here what do I need to walk for
Aj:now you're just taking advantage of being lazy
Akane:well come on
Aj:fine *walks to the room*
Akane:*rubs his chin* you're such a cute little kitten
Aj:stop that feels weird
Akane:I think you like it and you just don't want to say it
Aj:whatever *walks in* wow your room looks better than mine
Akane:I never knew
Aj:okay get off
Akane:*hops down*
Aj:*walks over and falls onto the bed* now I can sleep
Akane:move you can't sleep like that
Aj:*rolls onto the bed* happy
Akane:very *lays down and cuddles him*
Aj:it's hot
Akane:take off your shirt and I'll do it too you won't be too hot afterwards
Aj:are you sure
Aj:okay *sits up then takes off his shirt*
Akane:*moves her hands slowly up his body then covers his eyes*
Aj:hey I can't see
Akane:*slowly takes her hands away then takes off her shirt* okay then
Aj:*lays down*
Akane:*hugs him and rubs his body* I could sleep forever like this
Aj:*slowly closes his eyes*
Akane:*covers his eyes* sleep well kitten
Akane:*asleep holding him close*
Aj:*slowly opens his eyes* I feel better
Akane:*cuddling him*
Aj:*turns over and stares at her* (geez she's on really tight)
Akane:*opens her eyes*
Both:*looking at each other*
Akane:morning kitten
Aj:can you let go now you're kinda tight
Akane:*pulls him into her chest* I can't get over how cute you are
Aj:*muffled* as nice as this feels I don't think I want to die this way
Akane:*pushes him back* my bad
Aj:*sits up and puts his shirt on*
Akane:*grabs his phone and puts her arms around him then takes a picture of them* make that your screensaver
Aj:but I'm the only one with a shirt on
Akane:please little kitten you owe me
Aj:fine but if I get in trouble it's your fault
Akane:I don't think they'd think otherwise
Akane:can you come back later
Aj:no I have something to plan out for tomorrow
Akane:oh okay
Aj:I'll bring you something next time we meet okay
Akane:I love you and I think I would like it for you to give me a direct answer
Aj:I love you too
Akane:*hugs him from behind* will you be my kitten
Aj:only if you're the key to my universe
Akane:yes I'll be committed
Aj:then same goes for me
Akane:I couldn't be any happier than right now being with you
Aj:okay I need to go I'll see you later
Akane:okay I'll miss you
Aj:don't miss me too much *walks out*
Akane:you know I will
Aj:*walking with a smile then jumps up* alright I got a girlfriend!
Hanami:so you finally grew up
Hanami:I was wondering where you disappeared off to
Aj:I was just with Akane
Hanami:of course you were after that episode on Friday
Aj:you guys forced it
Hanami:whatever you look better today
Aj:yeah I'm completely healed and now I'm gonna beat up Akutsu
Hanami:what for
Aj:breaking Hana's heart and my trust
Hanami:I thought you were friends
Aj:we are but he needs to learn what happens when you hurt my friends
Hanami:don't go overboard you know how you are
Aj:besides I broke my collarbone cracked and bruised my ribs but they're perfectly healed
Hanami:oh yeah I forgot how significant healing is with you
Hanami:can I see your phone
Hanami:*grabs his phone* what the hell is this
Aj:it's just my screensaver she took the photo this morning
Hanami:you had sex
Aj:what's sex
Hanami:I'm sorry I mean bedtime sparring
Aj:no we just slept in the same room and she said to take off our shirts so it didn't get hot
Hanami:sounds like you did
Aj:we didn't
Hanami:I'll believe you since I doubt you'd be able to do something like that without incentive
Aj:do what
Hanami:doesn't matter just don't go too far because I'm not stopping you
Aj:okay *walks ahead*
Hanami:(maybe you did grow up after all)
*at the house*
Aj:*opens the door* I'm home everybody
Akiara:another night out and you don't tell me
Aj:sorry I got injured last night
Daisuke:I find that hard to believe
Aj:I let them win but don't worry I'm gonna beat him up on Monday for Hana
Akiara:how are you gonna do that
Aj:I'll become a monster
Akiara:last time that happened I had to step in are you sure that you could do it again
Aj:yeah I'll suppress it so that it seems fair then I'll just end it there
Daisuke:you seem like you had fun
Aj:yeah she took a picture of us this morning we slept in the same room since I sleep better on a bed
Akiara:did you have sex
Aj:mom you know I don't know what sex is so how could I have something I know nothing about
Akiara:fair point
Aj:*walks upstairs*
Aj-San:*spinning back kicks then axe kicks and turns going into a side kick*
Aj:*grabs her foot* miss me
Aj-San:I don't know did you succeed
Aj:hell yeah
Aj-San:then of course I missed you
Aj:*hugs her*
Aj-San:I'm sorry about Hana I heard from her the other day
Aj:don't remind me I'm dealing with it
Aj-San:don't go overboard okay
Aj:if you guys can't stop me then Akane will stop me
Aj-San:relying on your girlfriend already
Aj:well I'm her kitten but for that day I'll become a lion
Aj-San:oh my god she has dominance over you doesn't she
Aj-San:you're her kitten that's what dominant girls call their boyfriends so she's stronger than you
Aj:what no she's not
Aj-San:man I never expected you to let the girl have control but now that I think about it I'm not surprised
Aj:*strikes* shut up will ya!
Aj:*starts striking* its evenly split nobody has control over anyone!
Aj-San:*grabs his hand and slams him onto bed* are you sure
Aj-San:why does she call you her kitten then
Aj:it's a nickname
Aj-San:*sits down* but still I'm happy you found someone to keep you smiling everyday
Aj-San:so when do we meet the ultimate gymnast
Aj:I don't know I won't do it straight away though
Aj-San:well, have fun with your master little kitten
Aj:I'm really gonna beat you up if you keep this up
Aj-San:okay I'll stop little kitten
Aj:okay that's it! *turns and strikes*
Aj-San:*moves and jumps back* relax I'm just playing around
Aj:*sticks out his tongue*
Aj-San:so what do you guys do when you hangout
Aj:we listen to music, eat and fight each other and we talk about whatever
Aj-San:I see
Aj:it's always fun but it feels boring when we're not with each other
Aj-San:so you're bored
Aj:no I can wait most of the time but she just doesn't handle it well
Aj-San:she can live with us if it's gonna be like that
Aj:no I can just periodically visit her house it'll be just like something else I've read about
Aj:I need to bring her chicken though since I promised
Aj-San:have you guys ever kissed
Ikazuchi:*peeks over* yeah I want to know too
Aj:*jumps* how long have you been there
Ikazuchi:the whole time
Aj:so you-
Ikazuchi:yeah I heard everything
Aj:oh great
Aj-San:did you
Aj:I kissed her hand a couple of times
Aj:I mean she's kissed me on the cheek and the forehead
Aj-San:weak, when are you two gonna make out or do something exciting
Aj:I don't know
Aj-San:you have a third leg learn how to use it
Aj:wait I have three legs
Aj-San:do you think it's inappropriate to do this to him
Ikazuchi:I mean if he learns just don't do it too long or too hard
Aj-San:yeah *grabs him by the crotch* go look up stuff and learn about the human body
Aj:*stiffens up* that feels weird
Aj-San:*lets go* that's disgusting but you need to learn so you can actually be in a relationship
Aj:what do I have to learn about
Aj-San:learn about the human body what you do with certain body parts and what not
Aj-San:come on sis let's go on a walk so he can do it
Ikazuchi:okay *hops on her back*
Aj-San:have fun I guess *walks outs and closes the door*
Aj:wait what am I supposed to look up I should call Akane for this one
Akiara:where are you two going
Aj-San:on a walk and don't disturb him
Daisuke:what's going on
Aj-San:I had him do research on the human body so he can learn what to do with himself
Akiara:I'm sure he'll get it naturally he doesn't need to look it up
Aj-San:I'm sure he'll need some incentive
Akiara:then I'll go explain all of that I know almost everything about human anatomy
Aj-San:don't scar him
Akiara:that'll be hard to do *walks upstairs*
Aj:yeah and then she said I had a third leg I never even knew I had but apparently it's not real
Akane:that would be crazy to have a third leg
Aj:yeah they would call me tripod with the three legs
Akane:yeah that would be pretty funny
Aj:but she said look all the stuff up but I don't know what to look up
Akiara:*opens the door* I can explain it
Akane:who's in your room
Akiara:oh you're on the phone with your girlfriend
Aj:mom can you come back later
Akiara:can you put it on speaker
Aj:it is on speaker
Akiara:good I'll explain this for both of you now then first we'll start with how babies are made
Akiara:and don't even get me started with all the diseases and infections so you really gotta be safe if you wanna take it to the bedroom you get it
Akiara:are you at least listening
Akane:yeah but you lost me once you brought up disease
Akiara:okay let me explain in a way as a fighter you'll understand
Aj:okay I'm listening
Akiara:adrenaline, endorphins, dopamine and brain juices if you just grope your crotch or any sensitive area and therefore stimulate yourself it stimulates all those feel good chemicals and boosts your energy
Aj:okay I think I understand
Akiara:so if you ever plan on having bedroom activities come to me first and I'll set you up
Akiara:I hope you learned something *walks out*
Akane:did you understand
Aj:I'm not sure but I definitely got the last part
Akane:yeah me too so when are you gonna bring the chicken
Aj:I'll do it soon don't rush me
Akane:hurry up I'm starving over here
Aj:don't you have food in your house
Akane:I don't know I probably ate it all last night for all I know
Aj:geez you're a monster
Akane:yeah so hurry it up kitten or I'm not rubbing your chin anymore
Aj:okay fine
Akane:who's a good little kitten
Akane:okay I'll see you later love you
Aj:*mumbles* love you too
Akane:what was that
Aj:I love you too
Akane:I love it when you say that
Akane:*hangs up*
Aj:*lays back* I didn't think a girlfriend would be this much work
Aj-San:*walks in* so did you explain it to him
Akiara:you should've seen the look on his face I had the courtesy to explain to him and his girlfriend
Aj-San:even better
Akiara:I know he'll be good in the future we shouldn't have to worry about it
Aj-San:I can't wait till he brings her here
Akiara:you met her before haven't you
Aj-San:yeah she's a lot I mean she has a lot but she's pretty nice kinda clueless but it suits someone like her
Aj:*hops the railing* hey I'll be back I have to go do something
Akiara:you're going already
Aj:you don't want to know what she's like when she's hungry
Aj-San:bring me something back
Aj:buy your own *runs out the door*
Akiara:that's cute
Aj-San:well I know he's in good hands
Akiara:yeah she seems tough

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