Chapter 33

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Chapter 33
Tanzeel bend down and first he closed the window of roof so the person cannot aim anymore, Tanzeel took ashi to hospital
They took her to OPT and Tanzeel called Addy, Unnav and Aasan..
Tanzeel was crying bitterly
Tk's POV
Why god why, first sanket and then ashima let the bullet hit me I don't care if hits me plz safe her god...
Aasan and Unnav came AU were angry as hell but as they saw Tanzeel crying bitterly there anger faded away they understood he was feeling heartbroken, When Tanzeel saw Addy he hugged him as tight as he could
Tk: addd..addy Ashima..
Ad: Jaan nahi hoga kuch hmari Ashi ko
Tk: pka na
Ad: hnn
Tk: mujhe chod kr mt jana
S:bhai yeh hua kaise
Tk: jaise tu uss din bich mein agya tha mere or bullet ke aaj ashima agyi
Everyone was teary and Tanzeel was still crying, AU hugged SaNav tightly
Doctor came
D: im sorry...

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